Container Gardening

Container Garden, Kaffir Lime Tree, Lemons, Calamondin, Lemongrass, GreenStalks, & More!

Oops! I forgot to do an update on my subtropical container garden this year, so here you go! Most of these container plants thrive in a subtropical climate. However, in my cold climate of zone 6b, I have to bring them indoors in the winter. I will also walk through the Greenstalk garden where I have peppers growing along with many fall veggies and herbs.

GreenStalk provided me with the vertical gardens and accessories shown in my videos. I am recording video footage of all the different herbs and vegetables I grow so you can see how easy it is! Get $10.00 off a GreenStalk, use my code: rainbowgardens at checkout.
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I create all components of the video with the exception of the music. I do all of the gardening, research, videography, editing, lighting, audio, uploads, and recipe creation (unless otherwise noted).

I use the Square Foot Garden method:
Square Foot Garden Book:

I provide my videos for entertainment and promotional purposes only. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or usefulness of the content, instructions and advice contained in my videos. I am not liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on anything contained in my videos. Some of the links provided are a result of my participation in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and the GreenStalk Associate Program, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and


  1. What are you feeding your citrus trees and how often I have a calamondin and myer lemon but there growing slowly Thanks for sharing!!!β€οΈπŸŒΏπŸŒ±πŸƒ

  2. Of all the channels I watch that feature the greenstalk yours seem to be doing the job the best. I too use the greenstalk because I have limited space. Great vlog.

  3. How old is your Meyer lemon? I got a small one last year and it's doing well but seems slow growing. Maybe I should be feeding it more often? Got one tiny baby lemon growing this year πŸ™‚

  4. My boss from many years ago, started a lemon tree from seed. That tree grew and thrived in a big container the size of a small waste basket.for over 25 years on the north side of the snack room of the garage where I worked in northern NJ, right up next to the plate glass window. Never bore any lemons, I don`t believe.

  5. love your video. you have all the plants that i want to have! where did you get the bay plant? thank you.

  6. Your container garden is beautiful! How old is your large kaffir lime tree? How many times have you re-potted it? Also how do you get these trees ready for fall/winter? I’m really interested in how you prune them (specifically the kaffir lime tree and Meyer lemon) as well as if you treat them with anything.

  7. Always impressive πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ πŸ™Œ garden. Any advice for leafminers .. its all over in my garden. Please help me.

  8. Hello fellow gardener, Rainbow Gardens! Great to see your update video on your herbs you're growing. Great to see other folks on Youtube talking about container gardening. I've been posting videos on this too, and glad to see others doing the very same thing. Lemongrass is definitely one of my favorites! Cheers, @wokinmygarden

  9. Just wanted to say that I would love to see a video on how you prepare your raised beds for the winter!

  10. Super! I’m so inspired every time I watch your videos. Thank you.

  11. Do you have any recommendations for stating galangal from a rhizome purchased in the store? I’m having a hard time finding any nurseries that sell starters πŸ˜…

  12. What beautiful, lush plants you have, and what an enviable collection. I have so many questions about your plants in this video, by and by… I saw the many oregano plants that you rooted. I (for the first time in my life ) rooted cuttings from a thyme and an Italian oregano plant that I started earlier this season. But now, Sept 8th, these are still soooo small. It wont be easy to keep so many plants inside. Do you think I could plant these cuttings in a large pot ( one for thyme, another for oregano) and just leave them outside? Will they establish enough and survive the winter? I am in zone 7A so there is some warm weather left for the roots to grow. Or is it best to keep growing them inside for this winter, the best I can? I would like to have more of these plants eventually. My timing is off, I really did not expect to succeed at rooting, I was just having fun doing it. My little plants are quite a bit smaller than yours. What did you do with your little oregano plants, if I may ask? πŸ™‚ Thanks so much!

  13. Hello, rainbow garden. I had been see ur video that talked about ur kaffir tree; ur big one is the female tree doesn't have long thorn as the male tree. The one u grow from seed, it's male kaffir tree n it won't produce any fruit for you..

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