Edible Gardening

October Garden Tour – Autumn Garden Tidy and Harvest From Our Permaculture Garden

Garden Tour October 2022 around our backyard Permaculture garden. It’s been a difficult year with the extremes in weather, sickness and general life being in the way of the garden.
Here’s the first big garden harvest and garden update on this years progress in our food forest UK with all the highs and lows of this year

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  1. i'm having a crack at a different kohl rabi next year. it's a variety called " superschmelz ". i've grown it before in a deep bed, but never tried it in pots. as for size it can drow much larger than a swede and tastes every bit as good as the smaller varieties. i've already bought the seeds ahead of time in case of the dreaded sisn……" sold out ", lol…………..brian

  2. Hello and thank you for your super videos and really enjoy seeing the children working and enjoying special time with their Dad in the garden. Please take care when working near bamboo canes. It's good practice to use cane caps to help prevent nasty accidents.

  3. How good to see your family taking an interest in the garden… I wondered why you took the roots of the tomatoes out, and not left them in as you did the sweet corn…I have been leaving all roots in, including brassicas. Should I be taking them out?

  4. Lovely to see the whole family getting involved! Great work, everyone!

  5. When it comes to tomato plants do they die completely and you have to start from seed again next season ?

  6. Great to see the whole family.
    What a fab harvest !! I am still harvestng toms and the odd courgette and tromboncino..!!

  7. What tomatoes did you put outside Moshin ? I did Crimson Crush and Sunstripe though they are gone now. My Tumbling Toms are stillripening quite well.

  8. I agree with your son, it is sad to see all the plants coming down, but I guess it will be no time at all until you’ll be sowing seeds for spring again!

  9. Your garden is amazing! Thank you for this. You have just galvanised me into going and clearing my garden, moving the compost heap and preparing the ground, especially before the rains start! Much gratitude, and yes, absolutely lovely seeing the children being involved. So important! 🙏🏽

  10. I've eaten green tomatoes raw and fried. I've made spicy green tomato pickles
    I've heard of green tomato ketchup but haven't looked into it yet.

  11. Im regretting taking out my tomatoes now. They were flowering look great. I thought they should go as its the 2ndweek of october.

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