Gardening Supplies

The answer, may surprise you

Am I the only one? I don’t think so… I have always felt like a misfit throughout my life. School, jobs, college, whatever the situation. Let me know all your thoughts, experiences and perspectives in the comments below! Thank you so much for keeping me company. Try to keep your lights shining bright & your teacups full! BIGGEST Softest Hugs, Wendy. Xx

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FAQ! –
Where do you buy your art supplies?
I get most of my Art Supplies here –
Jackson’s Art Supplies – 10% of your first order;
This is an affiliate link (I get a small commission, thank you!)

Where do you buy your clothes? Most of my clothing is old and from charity (thrift) shops but…
My fav online clothing store (stripey tops, vintage dungarees, socks and childrens clothing too!)
adults – big tee
(this is not sponsored or affiliated but it is my daughter!)

Sarah Curtis –

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This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are honest and my own.

#artist #affirmations #selfworth


  1. Sorry I was a bit late posting, I was having a NAP! (no really!) I have a horride migraine today and so was actuallly asleep! I hope you are all ok, I am going to lie down again now and see if I can get rid of it. Softest hugs. Xxx

  2. Dear Wendy, what a beautiful soul you are. I hope you are fully recovered from your migraine. xx Edit to add: thank you for mentioning the stuff about soaking in other people's emotions and being at peace on your own. This is totally me. I'm like an emotional sponge for other people's states of minds, energies etc. It can be quite wearing and comes with a whole host of other concerns you need to contend with. I used to think I had to, somehow, deal with it all, but I've come to realise that, actually, I don't. Consequence of my childhood, I think.

  3. In ireland, rental market has not dropped in price. Very expensive still. Great video btw. 😊

  4. Can relate totally with the challenge of tech changes, and with aging, it is even more challenging! I have been in the middle of some of those challenges and find it very stressful!

  5. I love the idea of my inner terrain. I tend to let others' emotional nasties get in. I'm going to ponder this and set up my soldiers!

  6. Hi Wendy, when you said you always felt like you didnt quite fit in and felt like a misfit well I can tell you I have also felt like that for many many years until recently the last two years and as you get older your thoughts really do change and now I dont really care about fitting in. I am who I am and I am a creative, you see creatives feel much more strongly than average people and guess what we are not average! I will keep shining my light and living my life the way I want to. Hugs to you from one creative to another. TLC X

  7. Gene Keys! Yeah ! go for it. It is fascinating and I would LOVE to see your artistic interpretation of some Keys <3 (just as a "what to draw hing")

  8. It's good to be different it makes life more interesting, not to always go with the flow. Lovely to tune in with you once again and hear all the goings on ❤

  9. Yes financial chaos, as rich get richer and poor get poorer.
    I think as you get older people tend to accept who they are, and feel OK with who they are. I always knew I was different, and I am, and I feel OK with it. Took 50+ years but got there.
    I wondered if you would do an autumnal piece this month. I love autumn and autumn colours. Maybe one of your little paintings with fairies and text.
    Thanks for sharing

  10. Good Morning Wendy ☺x All artists are misfits! In a good way though lol ☺. Take care. Love Blessings and Peace …. xx

  11. I always felt like a sort of misfit…no I know I am not.
    Thank you Wendy for this lovely community. Love you girl let you light shine bright 🔆 💜

  12. Me Again Wendy 🙂. Sent you an earlier message re misfits 🤣. Napping: Dont worry if you cannot nap! Just take a quiet moment to yourself instead, stop and take a deep breath or two, or even three. I have never been able to nap 😴. If I do I wake up feeling so disoriented, even billious. Not all our body clocks work the same. Of course if Im ill or anything, I just have an early night. Terry, my husband can bob off for a 5/10 minute power nap and feel up to speed again. I have had a rotten year health wise and I was 70 in September. This getting older thing is not good is it. And the Dam – Panic didnt help. But lets take care of our mind, body and spirit. And we must create, if we are a creative person, or our soul will die.
    Blessing Hugs Love & Peace xxxx

  13. Love your Wendy waffle. people drain me!! have to have time on my own. Regarding the postal strike, makes me fume
    as they have lost 4 items i was expecting, 2 being rare house plants. We pay for a service that does not deliver (ha ha).
    No time whatsoever for strikers, don't like your job, leave.

  14. I refuse to have direct debit on my gas n electric, I’ll pay what I owe and my money can sit in my bank until I choose for it to leave. The few pennies I save is not worth giving up autonomy of my money for. Hopefully your direct debit will decrease now as the government are giving us ‘help’ which we will pay for later I am sure.

  15. Wow Wendy!
    I'm about 15 minutes in, and my ears pricked up when you mentioned Human design, as I've self studied astrology for several years because I couldn't afford a 'proper' professional reading, but I kind of gave up because it being a never ending subject and I just get information overload!

    I listen to people like Pam Gregory my favourite British astrologer, Heather Eland and a few others I find on YouTube.

    I've tried to find out about Human design a few times but the astrologers' link's were never free or lacked straight up information, but the link you suggested got straight to the point!

    I managed to bypass the pay section by typing my results into Google and got further details, and it was very helpful.
    I'm likely 1/3 The Establisher of Knowledge and Truth, I have always dug deep to find the truth! With Jupiter and Neptune conjunct my Scorpio MC and a busy 8th house, and a grand air trine that has not outlet like the beneficial kite, my head goes round in circles never getting anywhere in life!! Not to mention my natal conjunction between Moon/Saturn in Gemini, that's been tough to master.
    (My Jupiter return in 2018 was a very interesting six weeks of synchronicities and strangeness, finished off by an out of body mystical experience)… don't you just love seeing the connections when the Universe and astrology are working together?!!

    Anyway, a HUGE thank you for mentioning this website and bringing me clarity, hopefully others here's will look into it too.

    I have to start trusting my gut which I unknowingly switched off years ago, that's a long painful yet ongoing story.

    But this new fresh look into human design is possibly a wink from the Universe I needed to hear today. (Maybe I'm picking up on the Solar and Lunar eclipse energies that are incoming in Scorpio and Taurus).
    I need to make big healthy changes in my life asap, but its the fear of the unknown that's been holding me back for decades, I'm 51 and need to break free.

    With gentlest hugs 💖

  16. i KNOW what you mean by misfit!! The postman around here told me I am whimsical and he hardly knows me! What does
    that say?

  17. Migraines: A Rheumatology Consultant told my husband to take Folic Acid every day and he would never have another
    migraine. Worked.

  18. You are not the only one. Ant its ok. I'm nearly fifty-one and still feel that way, sometimes. But it is as you say – we tend to prioritize our emotios and self perception. I'm so glad to have found you & your channel. Sweet and inspiring. 💜💜💜💜💙💙

  19. I would not be happy the Post Office is on strike. They employees have no right to withhold the mail to meet their own ends especially as people have paid the postage on their mail.

  20. Oh dearest Wendy,you are so right that Karma will get to those eventually! It takes a while but I’m certain it happens eventually! Thank you for such a lovely chat, and waffle 😘 today xx

  21. Taking a book to a cosy chair was my favourite indulgence when I was younger. Not the same now – last time I went to bed with a book, I fell asleep and the iPad dropped on my face and I ended up with a black bruise under my eye. It is a hard time for many around the world – my fondest wish is that all find a safe and warm home for the winter. Well wishes to you in finding your woodland home – I bet you would fill it with beautiful art.

  22. My esoteric training included learning how to create an energy "fence" to protect from the overkill of being surrounded by the emotional static around us. There are times to open up in an empathic state and times to protect your personal balance. There are books out there covering the topic or consult your local witch. Blessings.

  23. Misfit is the perfect word for me, I know I hide that feeling well. Most of the time I want to go be a fairy of the woods but that’s nota right now thing. So I put on that smile and try to care about what most people care about and go through the motions lol

  24. I am like what you were explaining, most comfortable when spending time along and I get anxious around other people because I too tend to absorb their moods, not sure what its called, but I call it being a sensitive. Yes the housing market is starting to cool here in the states as well. Me and my husband has been watching the housing market here also looking for a place and everything has been out of our range so we are happy to see things coming down. Agree there are lots of people out there getting rich on the backs of other people. I can't nap either, but my husband naps all the time. I've accepted in embraced feeling like a misfit. Thank you for sharing and inspiring all of us Wendy, take care.

  25. Well Wendy sweetheart there’s 103K fellow misfits and we’re all happy to be this beautiful way. Gosh life’s hard enough thank goodness for our little tribe on the YouTube. I’m not able to catnap but can rest laying on my bed or sofa 🛋 sometimes listening to music. Personally I find the restorative powers of solitude are much underrated. I work in a noisy busy environment which although it’s full of great positivity and joy is also emotionally draining. I’m so grateful to have art as a medicine. Please know that you and your beautiful ideas,videos and Wendy waffles are truly inspiring and make a difference. I’m sending love and light dearest sweet soul to fill you teacup ☕️ Soft hugs mwah 💋

  26. I think this is one of the blessings of social media- although I know there are many downsides as well- that we get to find “our people “ because the net is spread much wider than our tiny local communities allowing us to realize there are many like minded people in this world.

  27. "…to live your life so that you don't need a vacation from it." What a great observation. I would like to do this so am sure this will be in my thoughts a great deal and thinking out how one can achieve this. I've always felt a misfit…sometimes it bothers me and other times, not. I think I "embrace" it more than I used to…often wish my younger self had embraced it more!

  28. I have always added a couple of things already finished to my 'To Do' list, it gets you going in the right state of mind. I don't know if misfit is what I feel as much as different. I'd rather be alone than not but that's because I have a choice. I may feel differently if I had no options.

  29. Sorry, perhaps try to put the camera in a spot in the car where the red fish (?) doesn't dangle back and forth in the corner. It's a little distracting a queasy making. Kudos to you that after the unfortunate interaction with the parking lady and then not even getting to pick up the packages, you had quite positive vibes.

  30. Amazing video. I’ve followed you for a long time it feels and I look forward to every video you make. How do you sell your art? I sell mine on Etsy and it hasn’t done very well there. It’s put me off following a career as an artist because it feels so hard to make money. Even a little bit to keep me going. Xxxxxxxx

  31. I DO put things on my list that I have already done and cross them out so it feels like I have made some progress…lol

  32. Great context.everyone needs more than there salary to be financially stable. the best thing to do with your money is to invest it rightly because money left for saving always end up used with no returns

  33. I never fitted in anywhere, so I know what you mean. Even my Mother thought that I had come from somewhere outer worldly! I have had some premonitions in the past that came true. I am a very intuitive person, and very sensitive, like yourself, which can make life a struggle at times. I live on my own with my dog, and only ever go out to walk her. My anxiety has been bad these last 5 years, but I am working on it! Had to sell the car, as I never went out in it, and I live in an isolated spot, which I love. Do not know how things are going to go forward, but I enjoy and live each day as it comes. Thank you for your inspiring videos. Blessings to you and your loved ones fro Devon, England. xxxx

  34. I wish that all the teck stuff could be easy Wendy, like you wish too I am sure. It seems to very complicated now to do the simplest of things?! So sorry to hear that you get migraines, hope that you are feeling better today? xxx

  35. I totally relate to you about people – I need alone time to rejuvenate as sometimes they suck the life out of me, especially when I feel their emotions. But, I am getting better at putting up a shield to reflect that "absorption" for the lack of a better world. How are you liking your re-organizing of your art space?

  36. Wendy can I just say you are such an inspiration, every time I watch your video I feel better. I always put my kettle on and have a cup of tea with you.
    My whole life I've been an introvert and felt like a misfit as you say. Thank you for making these lovely videos. I never want them to end .
    Your art style is beautiful. Someday I will become a patreon but till then I don't miss one video.
    Hope you get the rest you need and feel better soon.
    Stay safe 💜

  37. I love your videos,they are simply wonderful. Your studio is so colourful and bright. I love the paint here and there and you in the middle of everything,but your paintings are very lovely,especially the fairy ones,i love them.

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