Front Yard Garden

Front Yard Garden in Las Vegas Desert Grows Vegetables all Winter Long

John from goes on a field trip to a FrontYard and Back Yard Garden in Las Vegas to show you the varieties of Vegetables that are growing through the winter time. In this episode you will learn how you can open your front door to food by growing food in place of your front lawn. In addition, you will learn about many of the varieties of vegetables you can grow during the fall and winter in Las Vegas and similiar climates. To visit Leslie’s channel visit:


  1. What an inspiration. I will be moving from Chicago to the high desert next summer. Will certainly benefit from this information John, thank you brother. Peace.

  2. this fella is a legend – this level and consistency of innocent smiling is not possible in 'UK

    America – export smiles and gardening tips

  3. John, since you're a herb man, have you ever tried root parsley (P. crispum var. tuberosum)? I've been growing it this year and I think the leaves are even tastier than ordinary parsley, plus the root is delicious, kind of like a mixture between parsnip and celeriac. Great for grated salads.

  4. I just heard from a friend that if you score the center where you cut off the main broccoli that another head will grow?

  5. I had my plants on our back deck which is raised several feet above ground. Slugs and earwigs had no problem find their way up there to munch on my plants. >:| Height means nothing to those little devils.

  6. I just ordered some Agribon #19 from ebay. It is suppose to get 35 here in Anaheim. Whoa, thats too cold for me! Thanks John, I learned a lot from this video.

  7. Don't you have to grow plants seasonally? They don't get to full size and die if you don't plant them at the right time. I've never had a garden but that's what I learned.

  8. lmao @ 8:50 with the Pac Man impression! John, you crack me up.

    Great vid, too…love that back yard setup! The only thing is those concrete blocks. Environmentally, concrete has one of the highest carbon footprints out there. When possible, best to go with something a little less impacting and more sustainable. Great video, though…thanks again for taking us to all of these places with you!

  9. John-love your vids! I just put a video response as a comment. I'm not sure if it worked. Crucial info. I have not heard you touch on "detoxing" your garden. Here is a link. Hope you and your subscribers find it helpful!

  10. hmmmm. won't let me upload the link. It's at Grow Your Revolution. It's the zeolite blog. crucial info for detoxing garden. In joy!

  11. I have a question. I am starting up a hydroponic systems and did some researching as to how to start the seeds. I came across a few tutorials that mentioned when you plant seeds, you should plant multiple seeds together (plant 2 – 4 fruiting plant seeds together and 6 – 8 herb plant seeds together) while a few other said others wise. Should I be planting multiple seeds in one hole at a time or should I only be trying to grow one at a time?

  12. that is awesome that you went to Leslie Doyle's place. I have her little guide, and it is a nice quick reference for many things. I particularly like her calendar of what I can plant in Vegas and when.

  13. Hey john, do you have any good recipies to those veggies you grow? Instead of just juicing everything? Breads, soups, etc. You need to do a show on how to cook those things.

  14. Hey john, you have been a huge inspiration for me to grow my own food. I am very thankful for all the videos you post FOR FREE! not many people have the integrity to just post all this information for free. So thank you! anyhow i have a question about the kale in this video. I am growing Lacinato kale here in Tampa, FL and its about half the size as the kale in this video.the kale is doing well but wont get any bigger than about 6" for each leaf. any tips? could it be the compost or the seeds?

  15. John….. man, you fuckin rock, I watched a few of your videos and thought WOW, this guy is nuckin futs…so full of energy and such a love for greens its gotta be a show…but the more and more I watched your videos the more and more your energy infected me. I know I'm commenting on an old video, but who cares, this message is to let you know that you ROCK!! LOVE the energy, and have planted a full out backyard garden, time to look at the front now….thanks for helping me eat better.

  16. I will be messaging John also to have you banned…you are one freak of a child, following me around telling me about aajk like you are his buddy or something? anyone who looks at your profile will be able to read the comments on how people think about you. Now that I know you got my messages I will be blocking you…therefore you will comment as a general comment something I will NEVER see….take care now.

  17. Hey JOHN!! there is a troll on your comments by the name of maximumfullpower. He follows me around youtube commenting on my comments just to annoy me, he doesn't watch your videos has no care to watch your videos and is here just to cause shit….can you please delete and block him from your channel, I assure you if you goto his profile and read how others comment on him you will see he has nothing of value to add here. Please delete and block this tool so I can watch your vids without him.

  18. Wow John! Here in Quebec Canada there is 5 feet of snow that time of year! I have to say I'm a bit jealous

  19. Pduffy1337 aka Smilex V is a malicious troll, a stalker and a censor, isn't he? "PDuffy1337 Re:nice knowing ya nice story brah!! tell it again….. Left in the dust weren't you? I will keep following you around, I will make sure that if you start this shit on other people threads that I will be sending the guy personal messages letting him know your history of ignorance and incompetence, telling them that so many people have blocked you and your aliases. Sent to: ArrestAJudgeKit 02/22/13"

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