Container Gardening

Growing A Vegetable Balcony Garden Ideas/Tips Terrace Container Gardening Tomatoes Cilantro Zucchini

Growing Small Space Food Garden: Terrace Garden, Deck Garden, Patio Garden, Balcony Garden, vegetables of all kinds. How to grow tomatoes, zucchini, onions, cilantro, moringa, beans, carrots, kale, stevia, Swiss Chard, Celery, dill, basil, parsley, lettuce, garlic chives, purslane, herbs and more.

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated/aff. link to the company:
and another aff. link for the Solar Fountains we use here, as they run out fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price I have found for TULLE. This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an aff. link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

This is a pump that works off a Power Bank unit, (like a phone Charger) no solar needed:

Growing TONS & Saving Water in Raised Bed Garden Totes, Vertical Gardening, Tomatoes Zucchini & More



  1. I know what I’m going to be buying at Walmart when they clearance their garden stuff. I never thought to use the drip hose. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Robbie! I have done exactly how you have taught and in my containers my squash and zucchini and cucumbers are gorgeous! The leaves are beautiful and as big as dinner plates!! Thank you for all of your wonderful advice!!🥰 Hi kitty!!👋

  3. Please talk more and push out more videos. I love you and need to hear your voice, as much as possible!! My garden success depends on both of us! Thanks for being there for us!

  4. Love your videos. Curious do you grow cucumbers? Don’t think I’ve ever seen them in your garden. I’m trying tote and pot gardening for the first time. Some success and some failures. Struggled with mildew in my beans. This intense heat, humidity and drought here in East TN is not helping. I won’t grow zucchini any longer due to bad experience with squash bugs when I did in ground gardening, we get plenty from friends though. Keep doing great videos!

  5. Thanks Robbie, I love your garden tours. I’ve given up, my sweet zucchini fruits almost melt and fall off the vine and my new red runner beans have run the opposite direction. It’s been over 100 every day and my plants are crabby. So …. I’m planting 3 types of okra. No excuses will I accept. Okra is a hot weather vegetable and fortunately I love it!

  6. When i buy bags of Kelloggs Organic garden soil, its mostly wood and still kind of hot. If not, its got mycellium. Compost it with fresh grass clippings, it gets nice and hot. I got this purple kale( not perennial) that is rich purple and the strongest plant in the garden. Unfortunately it tastes quite strong even in spring, so it goes into the compost pile.

  7. Well hello hello Robbie! It's early in the morning here in Greece and as always (for the last couple of months that I found your channel) I'm getting my coffee watching your lovely deck garden!
    You are giving me many ideas for my balconies. I already put the two system in two of my telars! I've found some big telars and put geotextile and kitchen scrubs, like you're doing and put them vertically, like you've done with some baskets! You're giving me so many ideas to grow something without spending money! I wish my balconies become so beautiful like your awesome deck with so many food!!
    Here the weather is hot hot hot ( 38-40 C) so everything I forgot in full sun ( like they say) it's burning…so I have to shade everything 🙄
    Well you are my therapist Robbie 🤗
    Thank you for supporting us with your enthusiasm, your clever ideas and your knowledge! 💕💕

  8. when it's Summer here in Australia I will try out using the piping for shading my plants

  9. Help! I'm a new want-a-be gardener who has been inspired by your videos to try my hand at container gardening. We bought 8 containers and started saving our kitchen scraps two months ago but before we could plant anything we got Covid. We're finally well but when I went to a garden center today to buy starters, the guy there said it was too late to plant and that I might grow something but it wouldn't be much. We're in AL just north of the dividing line between zone 7 & 8 Seems like we should have plenty of growing season left but it is hot (94 today). Plus my patio which is on the west side of the house has a number of tall oak trees about 20 ft away in all directions which means that every spot gets a few minutes of direct sun every day but mostly gets diffused light. Is there anything I can plant at this point? Also, the food scraps sat in a 5 gallon bucket with a lid for about 8 weeks with little to no air. It smelled awful when I emptied it into the totes. Is there any danger that the mostly anaerobic conditions could have developed a bacteria that that the plants might absorbed that would be harmful? Thank you for all of the great videos! My wife and I love them. Please keep them coming. You have a number of videos on container gardening and composting in place that all have great tips. Have you ever considered doing a video of just tips and answers to questions for new gardeners or better yet a live Q&A program?

  10. Help! I want to put my scraps in the pot within a bucket to make compost tea. Does it matter if it's like tomato or peach scraps? Am I better to make the tea or compost it? TY… My husband and I love your videos.

  11. Hi Robbie! Thanks for sharing your deck garden with us. Everything looks great! I finally got my dishpans from Walmart and would like to rewatch your videos where you set up the dishpans. If you see this, could you put a link to the dishpan videos, because I’m having trouble finding them among all your awesome videos. Thanks for sharing all your gardening techniques! As I’ve gotten older, gardening has become more difficult for me, but all of your ideas have helped me so much and made gardening enjoyable again! Love you guys! ❤️

  12. 17:01 Two system shown and explained along with the resulting large zucchini plant grown in a container.

    I love your 'can do' attitude. And I love how the zucchini responded to the two system.
    I put up a fountain several weeks ago and it seems to be a no go. We'll see if I can get them to try something eventually.

  13. LOL, ya nut, 12 gardens. I can barely keep up with my plants around the yard, which is probably more like your porch garden. You have so much energy

  14. How wonderful, your garden is coming along so well! I'm jealous about your Russian red kale. Mine got attacked by aphids :-(. I'll try growing more now for the fall.

  15. How does your cilantro not bolt? Or was it parsley? Going to finish watching, may be you will point it out later. Must be parsley.
    Purslane 😁 I'm always anxiously waiting for it, once I find the first few all of a sudden they really are everywhere!!! Some places I "baby"them, other places they are just nice ground cover and some places they go!
    So jealous how your pomegranates grow! 2 of my many plants made it last year but they died over winter😔
    Ah, now comes the cilantro! Mine is in mostly shade and before it got really anything it started blooming, grrrr.

  16. Ms Robbie, I just recently found your channel. I'm trying to find any beginner specific videos you have on your proven "waste/compost-in-place" instructions. You seem to be defying what everyone says about nitrogen robbing. With the world as it is now, it seems like a method of regenerative soil methods some of the scientists are saying we desperately need to adopt. Thanks so much!

  17. Your balcony garden is looking great, so much food, I love it!!!!

  18. Hey Robbie! I'm in south Carolina and I've been using your method for about 3 months now and I have a garden that everyone is envious of.. I have beautiful broccoli, corn, Sweet peas, yellow squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant and cantaloupe so far.. I'm obsessed I have cucumber going up an old crib bed.. I have passion fruit also.. I've watched every video and some more then once.. thank u Soo much for your help.. kitty is so cute..

  19. One day I wish to be doing what you do. All I know is I’ve been neglecting my garden but I need to go back out there. Thank you so much for all your videos!!!! Love them!

  20. Hi Robbie! Do we need to worry about shredding newspaper that has colored ink? I didn't know if the dies in the red and green so on would be bad for our health? Any advice is greatly appreciated! 💌👩🏼‍🦳✌️

  21. Question about the worms and bins off the ground…will worms work their way into the bins that are not on the ground?? I have been using the two pot system with my containers and have to say thank you!!! Made a huge difference. But I have not seen any worm activity in the small compost bins in my containers. Other bugs yes but no worms.

    Also I have used this two pot compost system with my small in ground beds and have seen tons of worm activity and those plants have taken off like crazy. Again thank you 🙏

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