Vegetable Gardening

Sweet Pepper Harvest – Vegetable Gardening

Thanks for watching MiWilderness.


  1. Your outdoor stuff looked real nice. Thanks! I want to get two plots next year, but this one has kept me hoppin'. 🙂

  2. Thanks! garlic would have been a nice plant to grow. I love sweet pickles, only canned a few sweet and they're almost gone already. That's a lot of cucumbers. My cucs are getting a bit long in the tooth now, kind of quit picking them and letting them go to seed.

  3. LOL! I have found the same to be true. I don't know how they could eat something that stinks that bad from setting, but they do.

  4. Thanks,

    What's with that? It's almost like there's a thin coat of food coloring on them or something. They look pretty though. Mine are producing like mad, not huge, but many, many purple peppers on small compact plants

  5. Thanks Rob, I figured I should do at least a few harvest videos so folks know I'm not just spinning my wheels. Peppers are fairly expensive here too, so it's a good crop to grow, plus, I like eating all kinds of peppers, hot and sweet. 🙂

  6. =:}-

    good to hear you're getting something. My tomatoes are doing good, but it's hard to let them vine ripen, they either split or the groundhog gets them.

  7. Thanks Nick! Yeah, we'll be eating lots of peppers, hard to keep up with them now. I'll probably be giving some to charity next week.

  8. Unfortunately, Mountain Men won't be back until next year, but you can google, Eustace Conway. He's done a lot of college lectures etc. Lots of stuff on him on youtube. He's a pretty amazing man.

  9. Thanks! I thought I was subbed to you, but guess not. I am now. I just went and checked it out. I think it's pretty neat that college students are learning those kind of skills, woodworking and such. Very cool. Thanks again! 🙂

  10. It is cool. He also has a camp on his property for kids and adults where they can learn all the basics. I think there are forty some videos of him on youtube. I liked the short TV series but I wish there had been more on farming. You really need to watch it next year. Thanks for subbing. I appreciate it.

  11. I have had some midget peppers in the past. I think it was the Epsom salt and Fish emulsion that set these babies off. I picked about this many more just two days ago and another bunch a couple days before that. Gave a bunch of them and some squash, cucs, and such to the food bank yesterday.

    Thanks for stopping in Allen.

  12. Thanks,

    I've been picking them on and off through the season. Getting some big harvests now, can't keep up with them all.

  13. Nice harvest! I have a few more days til my bell peppers are ready but my plum tomatos have been going crazy! Three 5gal buckets from nine plants with lots to go! Canning sauce and stewed tomatos. Enjoy your videos!

  14. Thanks! 🙂 I may have to make some sauce as I'm running out of canning jars, need to condense them down a bit before canning.

  15. Thanks, I didn't notice much of a difference in flavor as compared to green peppers. The walls on the purple bells are thinner though. The fruits and plants were smaller, but super abundant.

  16. What a fruitful harvest! How many days or months before these sweet pepper were harvested? I will be honored if you could lend me your effective techniques to grow such crop very productively. 

  17. How did you manage your Pepper to grow very productive? I am supposing that you are so blessed in having a very plentiful harvest. I admire your good deeds. I must be thankful then because I have learned new lessons that are worth pondering for! 

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