Backyard Garden

Are Carnivorous Plants Beneficial to a Backyard Garden?

These are my Nepenthes Pitcher Plants also known as Asian or Hanging Pitcher Plants. I accidentally called these Florida Pitcher Plants in my garden tour video which I got mixed up with a Florida Everglade Pitcher Plant that I’m trying to buy. I think these have also been called Alata Hanging Pitcher Plants. I am in a zone 9/10 climate a few miles from the ocean so the temperature and humidity seem perfect for growing these outdoors here. I hung these up next to my chicken coop to help control the gnats that swarm around it. I look inside the pitchers pretty often for fun just to see what I’m catching. I’ve only seen one bee and one ladybug so far. That compared to the dozens of wasps, beetles, ants, and hundreds of gnats I see in them doesn’t seem so bad. Overall I think they are very beneficial to my backyard garden. Thinning out the bad bugs and leaving the good. I know some people think wasps are beneficial but I just see them as pests that steal ladybug food. I hope you enjoy my Pitcher Plant video!

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  1. I just got a nice sized big healthy one of these for my chicken coop area in my yard, based on another video of yours I watched. I’d like to hang it on my chicken coop, too, but hesitate since that spot gets a lot of afternoon sun during summer. I’m in St. Pete FL. Are yours in full sun in the afternoon, and what soil/substrate are they planted in? Really appreciate any feedback, thanks for the videos & inspiration!

  2. What type of media are they growing in? Ive heard because they do not draw nutrition from the 'soil', it's best to have them in mostly coconut coir and spaghnum moss. (Not sure if the source was on point or not though.) Maybe transplant shock was soil related?? I really don't know, just guessing.

    And where did you get those baskets? Very neat!

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