Garden Plans

Garden Plans For The New Year – What's New and What's Coming Back.

Even though it will be months before we have much growing out in the garden, it’s time to make plans for what we will grow in the new year. There will be lots of new things, but also a few things that we’ve grown before, that will be coming back for another growing season. I have plans to grow several new types of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, squash, and more. I will be listing all of the ones that I know for sure, including some of those that we like that we’ve grown before. We plan to grow things in grow bags, and also again in the straw bales. Even though some things will be repeats, there are still plenty of new vegetables that we will be growing for the very first time. Feel free to share some of your garden plans for the new year. It’s going to be an interesting and fun year!

Things We Use in Our Garden, and My Camera Gear:


I garden in zone 6b, in the state Kansas. I would love to hear from you, so feel free to comment, make suggestions, ask a question, give tips, tell about your garden, or even offer constructive criticism.
Thanks for watching!

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  1. 😍 WHAT A BEAUTIFUL VIDEO JIM! It was such a joy watching all you have grown! I’m so excited and so looking forward towards your next season 😍

  2. Great video Jim. I am glad that you are trying some new varieties this year. Since we are in the same zone 6,I can see what does good for you that I am not growing, then try it the next year. I will be adding different tomato varieties and more peppers this year. One pepper that I will be adding is the corbaci and will be growing some cushaw also. Well enough babbling, have a great weekend. 👍

  3. Hey Jim, here's my list for 2019. Silverqueen sweet corn, Better Boy tomatoes, Pinkeye purple hull peas,Pecos cantaloupes and of course 1015 yellow onions. I hope to set my onion slips out in the next couple of weeks but it's been really wet here in North Texas. Nice video!!!

  4. Have you grown the midnight dreams bell pepper? I'm looking for a squash that will survive our prolific vine borer population & resist mildew. I'm going to try Cherokee tan pumpkin.

  5. Thank you for doing this video it seems like it took you some time gathering the different clips. Beautiful pics of your zinnias and other flowers. I plan to incorporate flowers in my garden this year. I'm learning the significance of planting both veggies and flowers in close proximity. This video is really great for me because I can see what I can potentially have success with. Grow tomatillos with me! We are both in the same zone. It'll be fun. Plus it's my first time growing these and I would appreciate your COACHING as I grow. Pleeeeeeeeease😊

  6. Wonderful tour Mr. Jim! You done one heck of a job last year with so many things! I agree the colors make a garden stand out. Can't wait for spring to get here to see you do it all over again!

  7. Great plans Jim. WOW that Mongolian sunflower looks awesome. I need to try a different squash too. The vine borers are one of my biggest challenges. I have tried goji berry plant a few times with no success. Have a great evening. Best wishes Bob.

  8. I'm starting to make plans towards my season as well. I can't wait for spring, hopefully we get a earlier start to things this year. I can't wait to see your videos along the way. I hope you are staying warm and having a great weekend Jim!

  9. You definitely grew some amazing peppers friend. I know this year will be full of amazing peppers for you again. The grow bags seemed to do exceptionally well for you. I may think of getting some for my garden too. Oh the beautiful zinnias 😊

  10. I really enjoy your sharing not only information about your experience growing things; but, also how they taste. You have inspired me to try a new pepper variety (or two!).

  11. This year I want to do sunflowers, lots of them. Haven't done them in 10 years. Also, just saw your comment on Duke's channel, I haven't been getting any of your videos on my subscription feed. Glad I saw it, good to see your videos Jim.

  12. Thanks for the update! Here in Wisconsin we are experiencing record cold temperatures. Going to be -30 degrees overnight tomorrow! So all I can do is plan my garden, do seed shopping, and dream of the seeds I will sprout indoors soon. Although I am currently growing pea shoot micro greens for smoothies!

  13. Hola! KCMO here. KCKS native. Raised on Leavenworth family farms… I'm likely the only one within miles who has/had city slickin' chickens. Took a few years off, you've inspired me to get busy. New sub, thank you!

  14. So looking forward to spring and getting back at it! Can't wait to see your upcoming videos this year!!!😊

  15. Fun to make garden plans in February. We're excited this Saturday to get to go to our local Master Gardener Symposium. Those who attend get a free bag of dirt! Something only other gardeners would appreciate.
    As soon as I saw the unique, colorful tomatoes, I wondered if you got your seeds from Baker Seed. Butterflies and every other pollinator absolutely loved the Mexican sunflowers we grew.
    It will be interesting to hear about your hybridizing projects in the future. Bye for now!

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