Edible Gardening

All About Elderberries. Are They The Perfect Berry…Or Are They Poisonous!

You have lots of choices for berries to grow on your hobby farm, and the Elderberry deserves consideration for space on your farm. Steve and Brian give an overview of this beautiful and beneficial plant, and tackle some questions many people have.

#hobbyfarm #elderberry #homestead


  1. Great information guys! I have heard elderberries were good for colds but have never tried it. Our local Mennonite shops sell the syrup. May just have to pick some up to have on hand since I now know elderberries are chock full of vitamins! Thanks HFGs!

  2. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries you silly English “kuh-nig-ut” (knight)!

    My last place of employment was a large vitamin and supplements manufacturer. Elderberry has always been a mainstay throughout the years but during the COVID pandemic we couldn’t make it fast enough! Ive never tried elderberry in any other form other than a supplement. Sounds interesting and I bet I can find a spot in the yard for a bush 😉

    Would they possibly be toxic for the chickens? I could easily plant a bush in the front yard if it could be a problem for the ladies.

  3. Dear Brian, Eric, and Steve,

    Anther great programme. Elderberries are one of my favourite fruits. I am especially fond of elderberry pie. As with all your programmes, you covered the topic of elderberries comprehensively, and in .just the right amount of detail. Thank you again for these very informative and enjoyable videos.

    Larry Clarence Lewis
    Ontario, Canada.

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