Japanese Garden

Merrifield Garden Center: How To Repair a Japanese Maple Damaged By a Storm

Merrifield Garden Center Staff shows you how to repair a Japanese maple damaged by a storm.


  1. This is such a GREAT video THANK YOU! My heart was broken after this recent melt revealed that my beautiful specimen was split! I appreciate the clarity, and the quality of the video as well. Thank you, Paulette from New York

  2. Cool vid. We did this except for the drilling part we used wood glue. There's only a tiny crack at the top of the split other than that it seams to be healing and its growing better than ever. Even got taller than it has in a couple of years

  3. Hello, i lost 3 large branches on my Japanese Maple this past winter, i just found out when the snow melted this past weekend, the tree is still dormant can i save these branches? they snapped clean of the trunk,. is there anyway to get them to 'root' back together? 

  4. Thank you! This is exactly what happened to my Japanese Maple this year – and now I have hope that I can save it!

  5. if the split wound is not fresh, et's say it has been a few months since the incident, can it still be done?

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