Gardening Supplies

DIY How To Use Gardening Supplies To Get More Usage Out Of Tomato Cages Tomato Cage Planters

Gardening DIY cheap and easy How To Use Gardening Supplies To Get More Usage Gardening 2021 Beautee In The Garden. Gardening ideas Great for Small Balconies and Small Gardening spaces and wonderful for elevating the Eye in the garden by Using Tomato cages. DIY Tomato Cage to get more usage out of using supplies that you may not be using.

Remember There’s Beautee in Everyone’s Garden‼️


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Beau By Tee
P.O Box 1532
Richlands NC 28574

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  1. I love it! I know I have some of those tomato cages laying around. Thanks! 😎❤

  2. Hey Tee, I am curious about that purple plant in your intro. Basil? What variety? I do have a tomato cage lying around somewhere not being used. I think I’ll use it this way!

  3. So glad I finally came across your YouTube channel. I remember running into you at the the Dollar Tree with my mom and daughter one day in my mom told you about the man who sales the lemon trees in the area where she live at. Me and daughter started planted in our garden last weekend.

  4. Looks great, and nice recycling idea as well. You can dress this up so many ways. Thanks again.

  5. I have everything except tomatoes 🍅 in mine now because both broke on me! I’m glad you did this because now I don’t have to throw my cages away! 🌱

  6. I love that idea! Everything is so expensive now that this is perfect for what I'm trying to do!
    P.S. it serves as a cage for what's in the bottom. Yessss!!!!

  7. I love that I'm going to do that, thanks for the in, and just to let you know Lead farmer gives you much shout outs . that how I know about first. Kudos for you and blessings I'll have to put flowers in mine here, something that grows under neath that needs to be pollinated.

  8. Awsome thanks for sharing,cant wait to make one of my own,I am thinking pick me up some pops paint and paint the black bucket or spray a nice paint of choice on it.waw

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