Front Yard Garden

Private Front Yard Garden Tour – Runner Beans, Herbs and Raw Artichokes

John from takes a small group of people on this exclusive first-time private garden tour of his front yard garden. Clips in this video include runner beans, some herbs and eating artichokes raw.


  1. I believe I found you after searching for edible lawns / yard gardens. While some people I found did some simple landscaping with a bush here, a tree there, etc., you blew me away with the fact that your ENTIRE lawn was a carefully constructed, sophisticated, flourishing, lush, thick, diverse FOREST of a garden. Keep doing what you're doing. Hopefully more people will catch on.

  2. I totally would have taken you up on the tour if I were local.

    I was looking up organic gardening info on the "tube" when I found you. Then later I saw you were linked with my raw food interests. That was cool.

  3. I found you after looking through organic garden search, after I uploaded a series of videos I did about putting in my new gardens. I have also seen your material on raw food preparation. Here in Australia, where I live summer is not great for growing, too hot and too many bugs. This time of the year winter, spring, early summer, Autumn work well.

  4. We were researching juicers and found you through your juicer reviews. We ended up getting an Omega. Thanks!

  5. I found you also by searching raised bed construction on youtube.

    I have now constructed 6 3×3 raised beds (not very tall) in my north facing front garden, previously a giant patch of weeds. The back garden is my next project but is very overgrown with weeds and brambles and a lot of mature trees.
    Last week I was out and saw that some of my broccoli starts had bolted and decided to take a leaf from your book and eat the flowers. It didn't take long for me to regret my actions. Not tasty.

  6. that is one tense kid lol. I think I found the first video by fluke looking up raised beds and it was the video you were on your roof showing off your raised beds

  7. I found you looking up how to grow tomato plants when i first started gardening two years ago and never stopped watching. Keep up the great work and thanks for the tips and inspiration.

  8. I found you while looking for tips on how to start gardening in the backyard. That was about three months ago. To this day, I refuse to watch any other programs on youtube. At first, I was like this guy is craccccy!!! But video after video, got used to you. You have an intimate connection with your plants as well as your viewers. Thank you John. You rule dude.

  9. I found you by a juicer search. Should have listened to your advice and gotten an Omega instead I went ahead and bought a Norwalk. Too much money, bulky, and a bummer to make juice on. Now all I use it for is to make banana "ice cream" and orange sherbert, I think I will order the omega from you later, much more practical.

  10. Hi John! Eating artichokes raw… COOL! I first found you a month or two back when I was looking up self-watering setups. I'm not sure how that happened but, I have learned SO MUCH from your videos! Thanks and blessings to You, Lauren and Oakley-Man! 🙂

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