Gardening Supplies

Full Lesson: Gardening the biodynamic way

Welcome to the wonderful world of biodynamic gardening and agriculture! Lynette West, Principal at the Biodynamic Education Centre Australia, takes the gardeners at Garden Organic UK through a biodynamics crash course. See the results and great feedback in this feature length video, and learn how powerful biodynamic agriculture and gardening really is.

We decided to put this full DVD on Biodynamic Gardening free of charge online for World Biodynamic Farming Day 2017, to spread the word and to help anybody that wants to learn or improve their use of biodynamics.

That said, this video is still copyrighted to the Biodynamic Association and Elysia Commons. Not to be re-produced or re-used in any way without permission.


  1. Excellent information, well presented, great overview of biodynamic practice. Appreciated, thank you.

  2. This is bizarre but I would take the class. I believe that God created the earth and everything else in the universe. So, I can kinda understand (I think) why they try to do this connection thing (?) with the earth and the planets. I don't know…. I've watched so many if these videos on biodynamic gardening today maybe I am loosing my mind.

  3. Thanks very much for the informative content. Great job. Tell me ,how can I learn about BD. Also we are seriously interested in BD farming here in Sudan,looking for any one who interest teaching us here Or at any where, we are ready for that.
    And over all these how can we get Demeter Certificate.
    We appreciate your contacts.

  4. Um… very hard to imagine intelligent people could take this seriously. I'm all for different approaches but without some basis in physics, chemistry and biology anything is possible: cow horns, in the soil and so on. Approach the RHS and do the tests and see what the results are. I would be astonished if consistently planting on a "water" day had any affect what so ever. Having said that the people in the video seem all very nice, organically inclined.

  5. The most clear and objective study of bio-dynamics I`ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. Thank you…lucky things who did it at Ryton. I`ll have to wait for my next life!

  6. This is simply the best ! Well done BD Association UK ! Fyi, we are just starting to learn and implement BD in Indonesia. Can I please ask about practical methods to measure the life-forces in our BD produce please ?

  7. All these things sound good, but you kind of make it sound a little bit woo woo when you start talking about it drawing life force from other planets. Like I'm sure there's probably something here what with the inputs and all of that, but I don't think you're drawing life force from Venus. It's like astrology for plants. I don't think it's really possible to prove that when lunar forces are too strong diseases come and that adding a tiny amount of a plant that's going to stop that. Now I'm sure there are some effects that come from these preparations or inputs, but it is likely less supernatural and more natural if that makes any sense. They're very well may be something to planting by the moon and such like that, and I don't personally do it but was planning on trying this year just putting a couple plants by the bio dynamic type calendar just to see if I see any benefits as the my normal methods. I practice a style of gardening that I have come to call probiotic gardening where I use fairly extreme amounts of microlife, and very diverse microlife all that have been scientifically proven to have different benefits. I also make my own input some nutrients using methods found in Jayden and Korean natural farming. I work with things like comfrey and dandelion. Things that have tannins in it such as oak Park even though I haven't particularly used oak park. Valerian. I'll harvest these plants that specific kinds of the day and it specific times within their growth cycles to capture enzymes and hormones within the plant extracts. So in no way am I discounting the benefit all of these things have. I just think it's a little bit extra to claim that it has something to do with Saturn and Jupiter and Venus and whatever else.
    further than that I am planning on adopting some of the biodynamic methods for making my own compost and such, but just figured I'd make a comment. Maybe someone has somewhere they can point me to to show scientific studies that show that Jupiter has an effect on your plants.

  8. First time I got it explained to me properly
    An time I tried to get someone to explain it to me
    It was always mixed up with
    Other taught, and life styles which confuse me even more

  9. Couldn''t you do the mixing of the water with a some simple rotating mechanical device -with a paddle made of an appropriately organic or mineral material? There is NO WAY I am going to spend an hour stirring water. Apart from that I can see my self incorporating these principles into my life.

  10. Your methods of farming will never be healthy. You still try to dominate nature, not live with it.

  11. Really good directions on the backrond and techniques of biodynamics, I would love to know how the staff at Ryton have seen changes in thier gardens by the implimentation of the biodynamic practices all these years later

  12. Wonderful! I would love to come there to live with you. To help, to learn, to plant, to eat. While here in the USA, I will seek to learn this method here. Thank You!

  13. 21:00 when you say ''science'', you mean…one photo of an example of some carrots? Science demands repeatable, predictable conclusions. I'd like to see this, because those carrots do look great!

  14. At 14:34, does the instructor say copper container or coffee container could be used for stirring the water? She says they are using an enamel bucket but a stainless steel bucket could be used, a ceramic container could be used, and I couldn't determine whether or not it's copper versus coffee container that could be used as well. The caption says coffee but I assume copper. However, I'm not 100% on that. Would love some feedback!

    This is excellent information. I look forward to turning our yard into a biodynamic garden / oasis.

  15. Timestamps :

    8:35 – Biodynamics Preparations
    14:00 – Stirring
    19:09 – The Sowing & Planting Calendar
    29:34 – Compost Making
    47:17 – Soil Profile & Soil Structure
    52:49 – Preparation BD 500 (Horn Manure)
    1:01:39 – Preparation BD 501 (Horn Silica)
    1:05:41 – Preparation BD 508
    1:10:39 – Manure Concentrate
    1:18:40 – Lunar Rhythms
    1:19:38 – Southern & Northern transplanting Time (Ascending & Descending)
    1:22:52 – Trines
    1:25:29 – Nodes
    1:26:20 – Waxing & Waning
    1:27:07 – Apogee & Perigee
    1:30:26 – Student's Final Words
    1:31:12 – Teacher's Final Words
    1:31:28 – Credits

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