Container Gardening

Patio & Deck Raised Bed Container Gardening Grow Vegetable Garden Food Small Spaces Tomatoes Herbs

Easy DIY ANY ONE CAN DO in VERY Small spaces, a Raised Bed Garden in planters and totes on a Deck or Patio, you do not need a large space to grow what you need, No food shortage if you are going enough food to fill in the blanks as you shop, you add in your own home grown food. The Easiest FOOD Vegetable Garden you can set up and Grow and compost in place for free plant food. Here I am now getting ready to start planting and growing more food plants for Spring, Summer, Fall and into Winter. This type of set-up can be Free (if you have some of these storage totes) or Cheap. I have been using these now for years, as we have been growing Tons of food like tomatoes, peppers, watermelon, parsley, celery, Malabar spinach, moringa tree, herbs, mint, kale, collard, carrots, radishes, sage, oregano, thyme, basil, lettuce, and more vegetables. AND I compost in place making free plant food from your leftovers and browning leaves as the plants grow, as win win perfect vegetable Garden.

 This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last all year outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Here are the 18 gallon totes used in my gardens as raised beds, I have been buying them from Walmart Grocery with my groceries so I do not have to leave the house, Ebay too has them cheap with free shipping, so here is an aff. link so you can check them out:


#compostinplace #containergardening #raisedbedgarden


  1. Thanks for the inspiration. I set up a bunch of totes the way you did with layering some rocks, yard stuff, kitchen scraps and then soil mix. I drilled holes on the side but I’m noticing that I’m not seeing water draining from them, although I’m not really drenching the tote. I put maybe a half a gallon twice a day since it’s so hot right now(sf Bay Area). Should I attempt to put holes on the bottom? Thanks in advance.

  2. I just came in from my garden to get a drink and noticed you had a new video. I love to see your garden!! I'm still trying to get cardboard down and wood chips on top of that!! It's a big job if you have a big garden. The wood chips help everything to grow so much better!! I've been trying to find the tomato you have called midnight snack…. do you get it online?

  3. Hi Robbie your deck looks good. I am in Chicago and I just started working in my garden a few days ago. I started my seeds and transferred them into the garden . I planted some seeds also. What dollar store did you get your garden poles from. We have 4 different stores here. Where do you grow your lettuce sunny or shady. I have so many questions but these are the most important right now. I threw up some tulle real fast but it needs to be better. Thanks to you and Gary you guys are a blessing to new gardeners like myself.

  4. I just love you and Gary! I started my container garden in Feb of this year and it's doing so good in the bins! My kids and grandkids and myself to be honest, are amazed that I actually have food growing. I started just about everything from seed which I find I love to do. I have also been successful in taking some branches from my moms yellow plum tree and Gravenstein apple tree in Santa Rosa and brought them to the Sacramento area and they are taking because they have little leaves coming up! I have been trying to get that plum tree to grow many times before but this time a few of the branches are getting leaves so I'm going to have a tree in my yard and my grandbabies will have a tree in there yard from there great grandma's yard! How cool is that! Thank you both so much for being so awesome in showing us all of your tricks. I also have 5 solar fountains around the front yard and I'm so enjoying the birds and my new micro climate food forest that I'm creating. Sending lots of love and good health to you both! Blessings

  5. Robbie and Gary, I planted tumeric in a container in November which didn't do anything for a month so I used the soil to plant ginger in in the later part of December which really too off. Well… in Aprili started getting sprouts of new leaves coming up that weren't ginger! The tumeric decided to grow and now I have ginger and tumeric growing in the same container!!! Should I repot the tumeric before they start getting large. I have quite a bit of ginger which I have dug some up twice when I needed ginger to use.
    Do I leave them together or should I separate them?

  6. Hi Robbie! I'm from the Chicagoland area and have started your method of gardening. Girl, YOU are an inspiration to me. Quick question! How many tomato plants do you plant in a tote?

  7. Hi Robbie. I love your garden, and your channel. I started using totes for my garden after becoming disabled. Your videos on making bird baths are inspiring every gardener in my family. I found a US source for pumps, but they are in the $17-22 range, which I think is a good use of stimulus check. When I was a maximized gardener, I had lots of what I called purple kale tree or chard tree. I could easily get them to propagate, by removing the little plants growing in the pit between the main stem and the leaf stem. Could I buy a few of them from you, or maybe one of your subscribers? Keep doing what you're doing and be happy.

  8. You will need to graft your apple trees, otherwise there is no point to grow them, most likely apples will be tiny, sour and bitter

  9. Just love everything, will be waiting for your next video, I learn something new with every video, thank you

  10. Thanks, Robbie. The deck garden looks pretty good to me; seems more organized without the plank. Oh, my, all the beautiful tomatoes! Yum. That’s a nice size beet; good addition to a meal. I hope you eat the tops, too. They are delicious. I enjoy the short clips you include in the video of Kitty, the birds, the wolf howling at the moon, cute and funny. I don’t know if you can find the time, but if you can I would really like to know how you make your gluten free pizza crust you told us about some time ago. Like I said I don’t know when you would find the time. Thanks so much for sharing. It’s always fun. Take care, stay safe. Blessings


    Robbie & Gary, hello!! I have watched you for quite a long time now, and I have a question about the tulle covering. I have some around my raised beds protecting plants from food eaters. HOW LONG DO I KEEP THE TULLE ON MY PLANTS? THEY ARE PRODUCING AND BIG….IS IT TIME TO TAKE THE TULLE OFF? PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP Thank You both so much!! LOVE you two and the sharing you do to help us all with our gardening goals.

  12. Love that you have the space to do all that you do. I am attempting to make the solar fountains for hummingbirds that you have . I love your Yorkie! He or she looks so much like my 13 yr. old female. I am in a condo, so my only space is in the patio where I have potted plants and hummingbird feeders.

  13. Robbie, where can i find those plastic table to use as a raised bed garden for my deck please? Than you! Love your patio 😉

  14. Amazing!!! You sure know how to take advantage of all your space, girl. Enjoying your tips & never ending knowledge. Wow, much love & respect to you from St John's, Michigan.

  15. Robbie I just love watching you, your enthusiasm with your hummingbirds an the garden it just makes me smile. I love your little Yorkie she is so tiny. I'm trying my hand at planting in totes I hope I have some good luck. I've been watching you I'm in Indiana so things won't grow for as long as they do with you. growing in containers everything is looking good. love you and God bless

  16. Learning a lot here from a beginner mini patio gardening and yes I’ve planted what I like to eat 🌱tomatoes , peppers ,onions , garlic & spinach 👍😍you are sweet and helpful and inspiring and oh wow ! What a huge space in the backyard 😃stay amazing as your garden .

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