Japanese Garden

Tim and Linda's Japanese / Asian Garden 2019

Asian inspired garden design in a small area in our backyard.


  1. ちょっとこれは、日本人からすると日本庭園には見えませんね。。

  2. 日本人から言わせるとなんか違う、置物置きすぎ特に兵馬俑みたいなやついらん

  3. Beautiful garden. I wish to have like yours. Mine is just a simple garden with flowers and vegetables. Planning to make a better one next year. I live in Japan too.

  4. Beautiful and so peaceful and hit all the design elements. A nice Acer Palmatum by the hanging ferns branching over the fence would be spectacular addition.

  5. This garden makes me feel so good when I am sad it's so beautiful to look at over and over keep up the beautiful work on your garden

  6. European gadren Style and Asian garden Style so different.

    I think European garden tries to show Power and extravagant whereas Asian is netural as possible

  7. Spectacular! Where in the world did you find those "fairy garden" Asian garden pieces? That is adorable. 🙂

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