Vegetable Gardening

How to Start a Farm From Scratch (Beginner's Guide to Growing Vegetables for Profit)

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  1. i hope i will be recognized. I am your fan in these channel. and wanting to ask on how to get more views in my channel. Thank you so much and God bless!. i really fine youtube would help me in my being poor.

  2. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Wow, great GREAT
    work this video!! 🙂
    More than perfect.

  3. I’ve been growing since I was six never used any of these steps but now I’m going pro and I’ve been making about 40k a year on a small scale due to the rarity of loads of crops here

  4. I’ve been growing since I was six never used any of these steps but now I’m going pro and I’ve been making about 40k a year on a small scale due to the rarity of loads of crops here

  5. Can you give any breakdown as to how much revenue/profit one can expect from a given plot of land of a certain size? Thanks!

  6. The real rich when they can grow the food it self and can take it for free rather than go to market

  7. I'm envious of the amount of land you have. Beautiful and well done. Plastic bags accellerate the decay of vegetables as it releases gasses into the produce.

  8. Hi. Went through your video. Thank you so much. It's really well explained.
    I have one question and that is…. how do you help your kids in their education process. I mean what plans do you have for their education?

  9. Thanks for sharing this exceptionally good content and your experience. I have been working as a salary worker on several commercial farms in the past. Then, after few other years of office job in the city i am looking to start a commercial market garden with my wife and 2 small kids. Looking at how to make a living in the countryside.
    We have found your channel surfing youtube and were happy to find such good and helpful info.
    Just wondering if any chance to still download the 7 step guide? Seems that website is not functioning..
    In any case, we wish all the best to you and your family! 🙂

  10. Would you design prior to buying land?

    What’s the process you recommend for buying land??

  11. The advice is stupid. If you know nothing about farming, how could you possibly know who will buy your produce? The reality is that nobody wants an amateur farmer's produce.

  12. When I was growing up in the 80-95. my family had a house on a half-acre property. I imagine we were using about 2/3 of the area or less growing vegetables. If I'm correct my family was able to sell $600-800 of vegetables weekly.

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