Japanese Garden

Gouache Painting Japanese Garden at Kew Gardens

We went for a walk at Kew Gardens, the weather was so beautiful! Lots of flowers already start to blossom, and I can sense spring is just around the corner! It was still UK school half term and busy at Kew so even I had all my painting gears with me and really wanted to paint the Japanese Garden, but maybe it wasn’t a good time. However, I did a quick gouache painting when I got home using the video footage I took as reference. Once the weather is getting warmer, I shall go back to do some more plein air painting at Kew again.

#gouachepainting #kewgardens

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  1. awesome πŸ™‚ looks like i have missed a few videos that I get to catch up on o/- I miss the maker streams ( thats where I first learned of the clay that turns into silver ) , I love the relaxing vibe and the peel at the end was very cool πŸ™‚ so skilled at all the art stuff πŸ™‚

  2. That’s beautiful and I really wish we lived nearer, it would be so relaxing to go sketching with you x

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