Container Gardening

Container Gardening: Planting Peppers In Containers

Hi guys! I am really excited to be planting out my peppers today! I have never had very much luck growing peppers in the ground but was very successful last year growing them in containers. I will be growing peppers in containers from now on. In this video, I will show you how I do that. Thanks for watching! Please like, comment, and subscribe.
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  1. I always reuse my old garden soil with new garden soil too.. I'm really starting to like container gardening over inground anyway..

  2. That's one healthy looking pepper plant! Great ideas, and the joy of getting the first plants in the ground(soil, planted etc.) is only rivaled by the first harvests of the season.

  3. You have great looking pepper plants. I agree it is best to reuse soil, we just need to amend it a bit and tara, it is good as new 😊

  4. good afternoon Christa !! i do the same 50/50 % old and new soil with added fish blood and bone in it and it never fails !! great update and great job !! thanks for sharing and happy gardening !!

  5. I hope you have a great year for peppers. I'm growing a couple in containers this year, so it will be a new experience for me. Since you have had good results, it give me hope.

  6. Hey Christa, the plants look really healthy. I refresh my potting soil every year as well. I only buy and use new potting soil when I pot up my new tomato, eggplant and pepper seedlings, which equals out to about two bags a year. T

  7. I rent my home so i do all my growing in pots and grow bags this year a friend said i could use there yard to grow some bigger things As i sit in my home during the winter all kinds of new idea s go threw my head

  8. You can also fill the buckets up part way with yard scraps. It'll breakdown and compost right in the pots. I've even tossed in crumpled paper bags from the grocery stores. Works well and is a money saver!

  9. Hi! Thank you! Your videos are so helpful! Last year was my first time gardening (container). You mentioned you reuse the old potting soil. How do you store the soil during the winter? I left all my pots with the soil on the deck and I'm not sure if I can use it now. Thanks again for all the great videos!

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