
Gardening Tips From A First Time Gardener

It doesn’t matter your age, everyone should garden. Mr. Ray gave us a tour of his very FIRST garden and we are thoroughly impressed. From drip tape, staking tomatoes, fertilizer, or general growing; Mr. Ray gives us his best tips as being a first-time gardener.



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0:00 start
0:15 First Time Gardener
0:34 Holding Down Mainline Tubing
0:48 florida weave on tomato plants
1:16 Skyphos Butterhead Lettuce
1:26 Walking through the garden
2:27 Hortonova Trellis Netting


  1. That's a fine looking garden sir!! Mines looking pretty good this year also great seeds make great gardens plus a little (tons) of work. Good luck

  2. Great looking garden, very impressive for a 1st time and you can tell he has watched your videos and did everything to a T!!! PERFECT! There's nothing more rewarding than growing your own food and you could see the joy in that fellow when he talked about it.

  3. Hoss you are so knowledgeable and encouraging! Thanks for sharing a beginner's wonderful garden!

  4. A perhaps worthwhile variation on the florida weave–in terms of time saving and making it easier–is to run the twine simply from end post to end post, without weaving, and then use some sort of quick clips or ties to secure at posts and at intervals as needed. the clips/ties need to be super easy/quick to put on, to make it actually save time. This is really helpful if plants have already grown a lot, which makes weaving harder.

    As long as you dont plant crops that take whole season before any harvest, that size plot is plenty to provide food for a whole family. I only have half of that plot size and always have food to pick. I dont plant corn or potatoes or onions or garlic. This first time gardener is doing much better than what I could achieve in many years. Probably thanks to Hoss Tools excellent advice and products. Not sucking up, just that the advice and products actually work.

  5. That man is a fellow ham radio operator I can tell by the shirt and the guy wires in the yard! Never can have too many hobbies.

  6. WOW! That was fantastic 1st year garden I am beyond impressed! You sir have been blessed with the gardening special touch! Enjoy 🤠

  7. It's my first year gardening since I was able to buy a house too, the key is to get the seeds in the ground and learn.

  8. I love it when a first timer makes us look bad! 😎 Beautiful garden sir, keep up the great work!

  9. Great garden, seriously. But did that man say it was small? As a suburban dude, it looks pretty big to me. Lol

  10. Yes sir, that man has a fine looking garden. Especially for a first timer. My first garden didn't look half that good. Of course I've never been able to swing the cost of drip irrigation. But either way it looks great. Kudos. This is an interesting video. Wasn't very long but I think you should do this more often. Show us some of your other friends/neighbors gardens. I watch a lot of videos from another channel that explores other people's gardens and "food forests ". I'm sure other viewers know who I'm talking about. "What's growing on?!?" Lol. Didn't want to do a sure enough shout out on your channel. But …. Great video. Hope you run with it

  11. How can you grow lettuce in ground with no protection? I could never do that. Tried it the last two years and rabbits ate every last one.

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