Front Yard Garden

Digging Sweet Potatoes From Our FRONT YARD Garden (FREE Garden Therapy!) Guten Yardening

Harvesting In-Ground Sweet Potatoes From Our Front Yard Garden | Guten Yardening | 2021 Sweet Potato Harvest | Zone 5 Gardening

Have you ever wondered if you could grow sweet potatoes in front yard gardens? This 2021 sweet potato harvest is going to prove that you can, and you will will see that digging sweet potatoes will provide you with a little garden therapy at the same time!

We just harvested our first ever front yard garden sweet potatoes. We wanted to see the difference between growing sweet potatoes in ground versus growing sweet potatoes in raised beds or containers (which is what we normally do).

So, we allocated about 7-8 square feet of our front yarden space and planted sweet potato slips that we had left over from the ones we propagated earlier in the season. These sweet potato slips were planted later in the season than those we planted in our raised beds, and as you will see from the results, they still performed very well.

Now, we have to decide whether or not we will plant sweet potatoes in the ground in the future or not.

The way we figure, we will do everything in our power to avoid food shortages by growing as much as we can, and this sweet potato harvest for team sweet potato is going to help us in our goal of having organic food available all winter long.

Please enjoy this Sweet potato harvest 2021 in our therapeutic garden!

Thanks for watching.

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Theme Song: Country Cue 1 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (…)

#SweetPotatoHarvest #GrowSweetPotatoes #Harvest2021


  1. Container. It’s easier to harvest. Thanks for your educational videos. I always look forward to seeing your videos. Your a great narrator. Sweet Potatoes are my favorite fruits/vegetables. Thanks. I just harvested my first time planting sweet potatoes. I’m a beginner gardener. I’m looking forward to next year 2022. Thanks.

  2. I love all the beautiful colors in your yard! Look at those sweet potatoes. I think I'll have some for lunch tomorrow. I forgot I have some on the counter! Yum yum.

  3. That damage looks like root fly maggot damage. I had that on carrots. Perhaps maybe they get sweet potatoes too???
    The harvest is beautiful! Seems like it grows better in soil, but wow, it's some tough harvesting.

  4. If you can grow sweet potato in your area. You should also try to grow ginger family (turmeric, ginger, galangal etc). All of those plant are native to tropical climate, which mean share similar growing requirement / condition

  5. Khoai lang bạn trồng bằng công thức như thế nào mà trái tốt quá, buổi sáng nấu khoai này lên ăn thì sẽ rất tuyệt vời lắm , cảm ơn bạn chia sẻ nha, mình chờ video chia sẻ tiếp theo về chủ đề trồng khoai này !

  6. Thanks to our wildlife greedy neighbors we had to do a second planting really summer .
    We were under a freeze watch so it was harvest time ( I didn't expect much of anything.)
    Surprise, although small in size, every slip we planted gave us results.
    I'm the only sweet potato eater in the family so I mainly grow them to make treats for my dog who has EPI. And this harvest have us enough to last at least 7-9 months.

    Thank you for encouraging me to give it a try.

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