
5 Tips on Sowing Leafy Greens – The Micro Gardener

Quick lesson on succession planting; leafy green varieties to sow, nutrients, harvesting + creating microclimates. For more quick tips on using leafy greens visit

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When you’re planting leafy greens try
mixing it up a bit in the garden bed or your pot
As you can see here I really try to mix up different colours
and textures of these ‘pick and pluck’ lettuce varieties
You can also see I’ve been succession planting here with some
shorter newer seedlings in between the more mature ones
So I’ve already got some leaves here that are really big and healthy
And they’re ready for harvest and I just go around the outside edge
picking a few of those off – I take the rocket or arugula and take
some of those larger leaves and then I’ll mix that up with
some of the beautiful purple Romaine, some of the curly leaf varieties
of lettuce [Oakleaf]… even some of the Baby Cos
There’s so much variety and the phytonutrients or plant nutrients
that are available in all these different textures
Here’s some young celery – tiny little stems down in here
and harvest from the outside in just like you do with your parsley
Here’s some Italian Parsley here so as it develops
I’ll be taking some of the larger leaves from the outside
Got some gorgeous spinach here – this is a Perpetual variety
Absolutely gorgeous – really vibrant in colour
Lots of leafy greens and these taller ones also provide
some much-needed shade
As you can see they form a bit of an umbrella and mix that in
with some other varieties like your curly leaf varieties
of your lettuce – Even some spotty ones like this Freckles or
the Royal Oakleaf – these are all wonderful varieties of
lettuce to pop in your salad

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