
Organic Gardening Tips!

Rid your garden of Slugs, snails and many other pests. Bigger healthier apples! Better consistant pollination of veggies and fruit trees. It’s not so difficult when you think in prganic natural terms. Gardening does not have to be an unending battle with nature. Try using nature as your partner instead of treating it as your enemy. It works for me and it can work for you! Join me on the Farm this morning and I will explain my methods and how they can work for you.
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Today is a Good Day!


  1. For about 3 years, it was rare to see a honey bee. Hive collapse syndrome I guess. But they are finally coming back around and I leave all kinds of "weeds" growing where I guess is not normal for a lawn. But my goal for this year is to collect all the seeds and plant them in a more lawn friendly area and if they come up next Spring, I'll cut more of what once was my yard. If they don't germinate next year? Oh well, I'll have thistle growing in my front yard and mow around them.

    I live on the property that was once my Grandparents and Pap kept a few hives of bees. I like to think that the bees I am seeing now are the offspring of the swarms that got away. So while the honey bees help pollinate the fruit trees and my plants, it is more of an emotional connection with my past. May sound stupid, but it works for me.

  2. Hi Ray, reply love your broadcasts! I've been looking for some thistle seeds but can not find any at Home Depot or Lowe's. do you by chance save any from the ones on your property?

  3. Love your videos. The bane of my existence are squash vine borers. I'm down to one zucchini plant out of six this year. Any ideas?

  4. move your bed to another position…remember your dog being sick…something is going on with your energy in the room.
    Make an experiment…place a healthy plant that can live in your room and place it where the dog like to sleep and see how the plant does…then do one near your line with your upper body and see how it does…if the plants die y ou will know that the energy is bad….

  5. Sorry about the arm. I thought you were going to say frozen shoulder. I had it but got rid of it after 9 months. That damn cortisone shot! I refused it.

    I hope it goes well for you. You will be amazed at how you find ways to compensate for that bum arm in other ways.

    Thank goodness it wasn't in the spring when you needed it for your large projects.

    Spend the summer healing and watching things grow.

  6. Ray I remember you used to get black bears around your garden at your 80 acres home. Any advice on making them not want to come into a garden? My sister woke today to find large and small bear prints in her garden, as well as a bunch of dug up plants and half eaten corn stalks. She only had a weak wire fence. I suggested to her to plant something farther away from her garden in the bears likely path, maybe they'll settle for that. Any ideas you can share?

  7. I went through the rotater cup problems, too while working. The shot is painful, but the surgery was much worse. I had tendon torn from bone and bone spur. Puts a real damper on gardening so had surgery in Fall. Surgery did work and all is well now, so worth it in the long run. Good luck to you!

  8. Enjoyed your video ray that's to bad about your arm I hope. It gets better so you can trim your apple tree again

  9. Ray, explain to me how birds are controlling your slugs when slugs come out to feed at night and most birds feed during the day.

  10. Hi Ray. I seem to have a crazy infestation of sugar ants all throughout my garden. I have read they help pollinate and I have read they are bad. What do you think? Do you have a suggestion to eliminate them?

  11. I so admire your common sense,personality,and how you do things 'your way'. You are at peace and it shows👍

  12. You need a Rascal-Cam.

    Since you're talking about bugs, do you ever have a problem with horn worms on your tomato plants like I do every year?

  13. Ray,
    Great tips as usual. I try to do the same with my lawn. In fact having clover I find it helps keep the rabbits from trying to get in my garden.

    The tip about watering in the morning really makes sense. In my garden now I just planted some lettuce seeds. So I have been watering frequently in those spots to keep the soil moist. Would it work still to water those spots in the morning and let it dry out by night (we are having some hot weather here in the North East).


  14. The people around here seem to prefer lawns to gardens, so I don't have any flowers that help draw bees to the yard. I don't even seem to have many 'weeds' that I can let grow aside from the clover in the front yard (garden is in the backyard) In your experience, what flowers seem to best draw the bees? It looks like I will have to get some for next year. As always, thank you for all you do! 🙂

  15. LOVE thistle… my family can NOT understand why I let things go to "weed" around my garden, but I firmly believe that a completely barren garden (besides the produce rows), isn't as healthy as it can be… and we are in a new home this summer, so even though this garden area we have was always a "traditional" garden, we have discovered that when the garden is "let go" a bit, we have an INCREDIBLE amount of Purslane.. which is good for us, and is really tasty when pickled! I love my weeds!

  16. Somebody once told me to break egg shells on your garden and the slugs and snails won't bother your plants because they're to sharp for them to glide over. Have you ever tried it? Btw, your videos always make me smile. 🙂

  17. Hi Ray, just found your channel. I'm new to planting/growing so cruising the videos to learn some tips. Ill be an indoor grower once I pull my (green) finger out. Living in the south of England UK so need all the help I can get!
    Just wanted to say I really enjoy watching your videos, so helpful but also very funny.
    Keep up the good work 🙂

  18. kinda looks like a milk thistle.
    heh… beecon
    if you want lots of bees just plant a few borage, I planted some like 5 years ago and it keeps coming back every year. always covered in bees.

    I have tons of birds here too, still have slugs…

  19. Ray, we also have thistles but we get rid of them. Did you know the thistles can cause a tractor flat tire? Also, thistles are invasive and go everywhere. How do you keep yours by the chicken house?

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