Garden Design

Meet the young gardener feeding his community | Garden Design and Inspiration | Gardening Australia

Costa visits a young gardener whose new patch is already feeding his family and has helped him become involved in the wider community. Subscribe 🔔

Jude, 14, says the productive garden started with a row of snow peas two years ago, but it soon expanded and now he’s out there every day.

He loves seeing his family eating the produce from the patch.

The tomatoes are supported by a trellis of string woven between stakes.

There are several types of lettuce and endive in the salad patch, and Jude has already learnt to leave some plants to go to seed to provide for the next crop.

Jude sells any surplus greens at a local shop.

“It just resets you,” he says of spending time in the garden – he’s out there every day after school. “But it’s not so much of a chore, it’s a joy,” he adds.

His mum Mary Bennett has seen the project give him drive and determination, and as a way of dealing with lockdown just as he’d started high school.

Jude is also involved with other green thumbs as a volunteer with the Farm it Forward movement set up by Manu Prigioni nearby in the Blue Mountains.

The group takes over land that owners are not using and produces food for the community. “It provides us with hope for the future,” says Manu of Josh’s passion for growing food.

“The good thing about gardening is it’s never-ending. The constant learning in gardening is the best – I love it,” says Jude.

Featured plants:

Tomato ‘Harbinger – Solanum lycopersicum cv.

Gardening Australia is an ABC TV program providing gardening know-how and inspiration. Presented by Australia’s leading horticultural experts, Gardening Australia is a valuable resource to all gardeners through the television program, the magazine, books, DVDs and extensive online content.

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  1. how wonderful Jude, well done!!!!! jude can be very proud of his great gardening achievement!!

  2. I've had many vegetable gardens growing up. Always had one. Big seed collector and also a public laneway garden for others to enjoy. I put an email address for people to communicate to me.
    I like how he knows the camera is right in he's face and he smiles at the end 😁😂
    It's awesome 👍

  3. Well done Jude, you have created a fantastic food garden. Keep it up and you will always be contented and happy.

  4. I get excited when I see young people his age involved in gardening, why? Once its in the blood it will never leave. Great work young man.

  5. Super proud dad here. Jude's always been a hard working young fella. When he was about 7 years old he dug up 200 bricks from underneath the deck that weren't in a great spot and delivered them to me as I was using them to pave a new part of the garden. After about a 100 bricks I told him to stop but he was fully determined to finish the job. Just one of many examples I could share of his amazing work ethic!

  6. What an amazing young man. I only wish I had discovered the joy of gardening at his age instead of middle age! Go well Jude.

  7. Fantastic! I'm sure Jude will find this video here on YouTube. You are awesome!! Keep up the great work! 🙂

  8. Well done Jude. I can remember helping my dad in his garden when i was that age. Now I'm 57 and want to start my own when i can get my new wheelchair. Keep up the great work and always follow your heart.

  9. Many of the young people would love to garden , but sadly with the way this country is going we are expected to work work work and service hideous mortgages. Many will never own land on which to garden, let alone a home of their own. Others will be mortgaged to their eyeballs and have no time or inclination to garden. It is incredibly sad what is happening. Well done to this young man however, he is fortunate and a good spirit, it will be a lifelong passion for him.

  10. Well done Jude!! I smiled a lot, nodding my head in agreeance with you when you said "It just resets you" This is how I feel when I am in my garden and tending to my plants and vegetables…"It's my happy place, my sanctuary" Have a great weekend 🙂

  11. Well done Jude. You seem such a hard worker and your ethic comes through in what you’re doing. I hope the feeling you get working in the garden only grows, and that it’s something that grounds you more and more throughout life. Such an encouraging thing to see.

  12. My son Jude was about the same age when he measured up and made about 8 beds, 3 metre long each, collected stones with his brother, terraced and fenced what I now use as my veggie patch. He grew much of our food as grew up. It hasn’t changed much in design since he built it all. He’s just turned 38, and with his wife and 3 kids he now has his own patch, feeding his own family and included is his hydroponic set up. He grows cactus and various other unusual plants from seed. Anyway this is just another proud parent, like the Jude’s from this video.

  13. How inspiring what a great young man look out Costa LOL maybe ga might give him a job, I'd love to see a younger person on the show we need to encourage kids to grow there own…well done ✔ 😀 😊 ❤

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