
Mistakes To Avoid When Starting A Wildflower Meadow | Gardening Tips For Native Lawn Alternatives

In this video I’ll show you how to start a Native Plant Meadow and the mistakes to avoid making along the way.


MY PO BOX: Paul Cantu PO BOX 580281, Houston, TX 77258

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  1. So helpful to get the lessons learned! Made me cry when you mowed her down, but I see the big picture! Peace!

  2. Hey I think you’re on the right track, maybe just add a walkway around the meadow and separate the back bed and you’re good until you decide to put the pond in. 🙏

  3. I think you're doing a great job on this channel! There's not a right way or a wrong way with trying to grow plants. You just have to get the feel on how the plant is going to do where you plant it or put it. They are like our children….some are stubborn and some are easy! But we love them all the same. We live and learn, just like everything else. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!! Going to home depot this weekend to get a few plants. The heat has been brutal on my plants! Don't want to water them to much. It feels good to watch what you plant and see it grow into something beautiful! Keep up the good work! Much love from Galveston! Stay safe and God bless! 🙏❤️🌍🌻🌿🌺🌴
    #greenthumb 👍

  4. Dude, plant banana Musa ice cream in place with full sun. Fruits taste like vanilla ice. Peace!

  5. Can't wait to see what u do with the area. Gardening is always a work in progress. 🌼🏵🐛🐝

  6. You could throw some sunflowers along the fence that gets sunshine, then cosmos infront of that, also walker's low catmint and oregano bloom and the pollinators love them. Also I started growing lavender varieties and my yard was a pollination party. Dude, go find those catmints and oregano and thyme plants on clearance.

  7. Discovered your channel recently and enjoying going over everything. I have been gardening for more decades than I care to remember and I will say the hardest thing to do is to create something and make it look like it happened on it's own. You may have thought of this but how about keeping the peanut shape and continuing the path all the way around it separating it from the back bed. I have found over trial and error you can make a wild area look good if confined with a crisp edge. This area seems like the perfect spot to create a natural small wildlife pond in it., just a thought. -enjoying your garden energy – and the recycling!!!

  8. Hope all the haters were happy at the 6 min. mark, sad but glad to see another chapter to the backyard

  9. 4:00 most wildflowers are rather tall! 3' is typical. If you want something short choose the more expensive dwarf mix of plants like dwarf cosmos or dwarf Blanket Flower (Gallardia), creepign phlox, ice plants, etc.

  10. You should lay heavy corrugated cardboard then 4 inches mulch. Mix wildflowers in a bucket by adding sand – the sand acts as a delivery system and you can see where you cast seeds.

    I do no dig gardening everything i plant – even veggie mounds. Thanks for sharing 😉

  11. So nice to FINALLY see a Houston gardener! There is very little content for our area. I wish I had the space (and sun) to grow a meadow. I am north facing and only have a small bed in the front yard that receives sun from April to September. It's really tricky finding the right plants because they must tolerate bright light most of the year AND Houston's sun and heat in the summer.
    I did plant some Canyon Creek abelias. They bloom all summer and the pollinators love them, but I paid a fortune for them at Cornelius. So far, though, they've done well in the described conditions.
    Love your channel. Thanks for your honesty and information.

  12. Enjoyed learning about your experience! Have you thought about a shade garden for those areas that do not get much sun? I too have the same issue and have Enjoyed using shade plants in my garden…. I have learned over time that since most shade plants are tropical , they may need to be covered during the really cold weather! Enjoy your visitors!

  13. I made all these same mistakes, G. The first year was so 🔥 but I neglected it for 2 seasons and grasses took tf over. Midwest Prarie vibe over here so I have some pretty decent clumps of P. Coneflower, Blackeyed Susan's and lots of re-seeding Sweet Williams. I've been working on it like a mad man this season. I've basically been crawling around in it after every rain ripping out crab grasses and weeds. Good luck my dude, if you keep up with it they're very rewarding. I always chuck some handfuls of Zinnia in for fast color.

  14. Yards are for playing in. Mow, no mow…make it fun and I’m in. This summer was my first time putting free transplant flowers in and I definitely noticed more dragonflies and butterflies this summer. I’m also zone like 2b so grass for barefoot yard is a must

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