
June Garden Tips and Projects: P. Allen Smith (2019)

Here are 10 gardening tips, projects and designs for June from Garden Home television host P. Allen Smith to put you in good stead for the Summer ahead.

Topics Include:
Growing Alliums
Planting Russian Sage
Designing with Hostas
Spicy Garden Spray
Harvesting Carrots
Mulching Tomatoes
DIY Garden Markers
Designing with Sunpatiens
Best Watering Practices
Growing PeeGee Hydrangeas

“It’s easy to appreciate all of nature’s beauty in the spring isn’t it? The days are longer, flowers are in bloom and everything green is especially green. We have to remember, though, even when the blooms have faded and the summer heat causes the green leaves to lose their luster, there is still beauty in nature.” ~ P. Allen Smith

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Many of the plants featured in this video can be found at:

To learn more about Sunpatiens click here:

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  1. Boy do I have a challenge for you. Where do we send photos for the virtual makeovers! Love your channels.

  2. Love this! Do you think you can make a video with what edibles can grow in the shade?

  3. Hi, Allen, I picked up a couple of Sunpatiens at the local Lowe's based on your recommendation and I have to say, I am impressed. I've grown other New Guinea type impatiens, but never had such floriferous ones before. I bought the coral ones. There is a difference! I'll be purchasing more. Also, love your plant stake ideas–a way to use all those corks that we all throw into bowls, jars, etc. Thanks!

  4. I'm most grateful for the Spicy Garden Spray idea, thank you! I'm undergoing chemo for lymphoma at the moment – absolutely ghastly! – and so spraying my vegetables and greens is a real issue for me at the moment. It's winter here in Australia, so my cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage are under attack from that dreaded white moth fly, but I'll get on to this spray pronto! I so appreciate and enjoy your work, P. Allen. thank you! xo

  5. Fun compendium of June garden tips! That PeeGee Hydrangea is a stunner. I planted a Pinky Winky, some Summer Crush, and Rhythmic Blues this summer….sort of overboard on hydrangeas. Your hydrangea allée at MMFarm may have contributed to my hydrangea addiction!

  6. Lots of great information! I need one of those hydrangeas! That is gorgeous! We planted some limelight’s this spring and they are forming their flowers. Im very excited about that. Thanks for the great videos.

  7. Allen, I'm watching you use straw as mulch in this garden. Given the prevalence of Pernicious Herbicides, have you changed your methods at all? I can't find organic straw anywhere…so I've switched to wood chips.

  8. Maybe this spray would help with feral cats using my beds as a toilet? Such a problem at times here.

  9. So hey Mr. Plant guy, I planted hosta along my sidewalk before I knew anything about plants in a sunny spot. They did very well for many years until we were visited by casitas gods and ate most of them. So they do well for me in the sun in TN.
    The spicy spray is interesting, and it’s used for incests? I sure wish I lived closer, y’all must have a fantastic farmers market, or maybe a huge lover of them and eat’em up yourself.
    Are all of these flowers you show us, for sale on your website, or do you sell them where you live AR? I never see any ads for them online, anywhere?
    I seen that lil hummer next to your PEE GEE, very sweet! 20yrs is a long time Mr. P

  10. And of course, you timed that hummingbird moth to fly by at the end of your video perfectly! You do have a gift!

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