Container Gardening

Common Problems of Zucchini and Squash Plants in Urban Patio / Container Garden

Learn about common problems for Zucchini and Squash plants and how to deal with them! This information is especially helpful to patio gardeners since many of these problems can become quickly prevalent and overtake your garden when growing in tight spaces or containers where nutrients can leach out!

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  1. I tried neem oil, you must avoid anything edible as they will smell and taste TERRIBlE. I made a mistake spraying all over the plant. Never spray Neem on any herbs either. Also was told to not snip off leaves on squashes as that opens the door for bugs and diseases to get into the plant so everyone I think advises based on their own experience vs. there are rules you must follow.

  2. This is old video…but I just had to trash my patio squash plants and needed to know what happened. Disappointing but this is how I learn…Thanks for video

  3. thank you so much. I have been looking at lots of videos, but most address mildew. Now I know my problem is anthracnose! Picking up Neem oil today.

  4. Kod nas u Hrvatskoj to nije buba koja jede tikve tikvice i bundeve ona jede i sve ostalo.Smrdi kad se ubije i ima ih više vrsta ali sve su velike štetočine.Posisaju sok iz rajčice,paprike,jabuka,krušaka,grožđa,ništa ne biraju uništavaju sve voće i povrće.Odvratne su i dosadne stjenice koje se brzo i puno razmnožavaju.Protiv njih nema ništa što bi ih dugotrajno uništilo i svake godine je sve veća borba za povrće između njih i nas!One kad isisaju sokove u dubinu povrća od pola do centimetra ostave svoj odvratni smrdljivi otrov.Jedino što ne vole su plastenici i u njih ne idu kada su vrućine.Samo treba paziti da ne uđu u jesen jer se sakriju i hiberniraju do prolje ća i onda se sve nastavlja.Oprostite što nisam pisala na engleskom jer moj engleski nije toliko dobar.

  5. I have a zucchini that’s getting pretty big but the flower is still attached to the end of it. What do I do about that? Should I harvest it?

  6. This definitely happened to me already in my first time gardening. What type of oil are you saying to use in this video? I didn’t understand it but it sounded like nem-oil. Is this correct spelling and where do I get this oil?

  7. Can you get squash borers on celery? I THOUGHT it was damage from slugs but it looks exactly like the damage ypu showed from the borers

  8. The biggest problem I have with squash, is how do you eat it! I don't mind it raw, but have never found a way to cook it, that makes it better!

  9. As a beekeeper, spray neem oil in the evening so all the beneficials are already 🏠 home in their hive- 😊 🐝.It will help them to not be exposed as much and help you in your garden with their visits. 🙌🏼

  10. I have 2 zucchini plant. But they only giving female flowers so eventually they are dying for absence of male flowers. Any suggestion please

  11. Great video.
    I grow zucchini on our deck in these 20 pound fabric pots and one thing I do is cut off some leaves when the plant gets out of control growing like crazy. It helps get air flow through the plant to prevent disease, allows bees easier access to find the flowers for pollination and it encourages the plant to produce new leaves and fruit. This is not new information to many… but it definitely works

  12. My squash truck is super green. What color is it suppose to be. The leaves are green and healthy.

  13. Blossom end rot can happen to tomatoes too. Same issue- lack of calcium. I add crushed egg shells to my tomato plant starts as I plant them out in the garden. Works great. I've also saved plants that already have end rot by mixing crushed egg shells in with the dirt around the stem. You can't reverse end rot in fruit that already has it, but the new fruit will be fine after adding calcium.

  14. Hello
    My squash trunk is super dark green and the end of the leaf attached to the trunk is starting to be the same color.
    I have a ton of squash growing. They get 3 inches, dry out and fall off. Help

  15. I have mine in a trellis and I get tons of flowers that have not bee producing. I think something is eating them.

  16. Great to have the actual bugs shown. For pollenating I never remove the male flower – just use a paint brush as they can be used a few times, but not if picked off. Didn't see the problem I was looking for – the leaves of some are completely covered on the back with hundreds of very dark orange ( more like a dark brown) thin small dash lines (not eggs and no problem with soil) Can anyone help as I cannot find this answer anywhere as to what it is. Great video. All my best to you from Cyprus.

  17. Thank you for this helpful info! I was wondering also how often should you water a zucchini or squash plant?

  18. I have seen at least thirty videos on squash plant issues, AND this one is the best. ThankQ so much. Besides Neem Oil, I spray a hydrogen peroxide solution on the leaves once a week to stop the mildew. 8 table spoons of 3% HP to 1 gal. of water. Just sayin'.

  19. My Mother long time ago could get to grow amazing squash and zucchini I don't like I no squash mfor my Tortoises this year tho

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