Edible Gardening

Sweet Potato Vine is Edible?! Yes! Who knew?! | Home Gardening | #ediblegarden | #sweetpotatovine

News to me, sweet potato vine is edible, and it doesn’t taste too bad either!
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  1. We sometimes eat the leaves prior to bug damage (when they are nice and green). They taste kind of like spinach. The sweet potato plant is so cool because it serves three purposes for us. Beauty (as a decoration), food (leaves), and food (sweet potatoes). Nicely done! We just harvested a bunch of them, and it is a great crop to store over winter. If you let them cure a few weeks they will also get sweeter.

  2. Ive never heard of people growing sweet potato for ornamental purposes. Any variety of sweet potato grows well where I am from. But Iโ€™ve really struggled to grow regular potatoes.

  3. Hi from the UK, a bonus crop awesome!
    Very interesting, I'm going to try to grow sweet potatoes next year if I can get them to sprout.
    All the best

  4. why would you taste it raw ahahahhaha eewwww. I got a surprise potato from mine this year too. I'm saving it for next year.

  5. Hello dear I came over from Wicked Awesome gardening! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    So exciting digging for the sweet potatoes.. Taste better cooked yum! ๐Ÿ˜‹

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