Container Gardening

My First Balcony Garden Tour 2022. Container Garden

My First Balcony Garden Tour 2022 is my first balcony garden tour this year. It’s a container garden tour, split into multiple sections showing you my balcony garden in all its forms. I take you on a balcony garden vegetable tour, a herb garden tour but also show you my balcony fish pond.

My container garden tour is designed to encourage more people to maximise on their own small spaces. If you are interested in small space gardening why not join my balcony garden Facebook Group:

Do you have an issue with aphids? Click the link below to buy your own ladybird larvae and I also show you in a video how I released ladybird larvae on my Cloud Garden.

Mosquito Dunks:

Below is my Amazon Affiliates code for mosquito dunks. They will help you to care care of mosquito larvae in your ponds/water features

My Website:


00:00-05:27 Herb Garden Tour
05:28-07:00 Balcony Pond
07:01-10:47 Wildlife On The Balcony Garden
10:48-15:14 Balcony Garden Vegetable Tour
15:15 – 21:28 Struggle Bus Area

#balconygarden #containergarden #balconygardentour #containergardentour #gardening


  1. love how you're turning a negative into a positive! Amazing inspiration 🙂 Herbs are my faves

  2. I just searched balcony garden for some inspiration and watched this video twice while I cleaned mine to start my first urban garden. You have plant magic in you. Thanks for the tour.

  3. I'm loving the the herb garden mate the worms are definitely getting in there it's great love the video mate 👍 👌 👏

  4. I woke up grabbed my cuppa' and enjoyed your Brilliant Garden tour this morning I love the way you uses such SMALL-ISH space to grow all sorts of Beauty i also love your Let Go and Let God Approach I love that you relocate the snails & slugs-they are God's creatures as well. Love from across the pond!-Chicago, zone5b. "Blessings of Bounty and May Your Gardens and your Life always Bring You Joy, INSPIRATION and Abundance!" – Hope( & Mark)!💖👍

  5. Hi Jason waited so long for this video (yes it's 5 days old), hoping you will be putting out more contents now it's spring. I would love to grow and eat veg, but living in the centre of London I'd be eating dirt, dust, grime. Sticking to flowery things, and shrubs to bring butterflies, bees etc to my little balcony space. I'm even thinking about getting and releasing ladybirds. Let me know what you think. Pond is looking good. Happy gardening 😊 ❤️

  6. Great tour! Getting excited for my container garden this year too just waiting on the weather! I really love the herb tower too 🌿☺️

  7. Awesome – I have a similar size balcony that I'd like to start using to grow but I have ZERO idea where to start. Any book recommendations or other youtube channels for this gardening niche?

  8. I guess I'm afraid of heights because the glass balcony railing makes me nervous. I don't think I could get myself to go out on that balcony.

  9. I just found you and I love your channel. I was surprised by the quantity of items and how neatly everything was arranged. Love the Fish…

  10. I was thrilled to see someone else having arches on his balcony. You are on the 18th floor and hence have more wind issues than I do, but having a western balcony just IS a windy headache.
    I googled plants for seaside gardens to find the ones which should be able to thrive and am tomorrow planting a honeysuckle and a early (group 1) clematis on the most exposed sides and a wisteria plus a climbing rose on the less exposed.
    That should do the trick but we will see.
    Good luck with your climbers! 🤞☺️

  11. I love the trellis I've been looking for ways to include one in my balcony. How did you make yours?

  12. Hii, I love your personality and videos. I tried to become a plant mom but so far no luck. Since my move (which is a few months ago), all of my plants started dying. I don’t know what I am doing wrong, could you help me out and give basic tips for people who can't keep their plants alive? I have no direct sunlight, only reflected sunlight, is that bad for plants?

  13. Love your garden. I’ve just moved from Manchester an hour up the coast, and your plants are way ahead of mine. The city is always a bit warmer, and maybe you miss the frost so high up?

  14. Hello Jason from across the pond. Your garden looks beautiful and such a relaxing space full of life. What surprised me most was the aphids. For some reason I didn't think they would fly that high. You're so talented and blessed with a green thumb. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the tour. : )

  15. Hi. Amazing garden! My balcony is on the 7th floor and I thought that there was no chance to grow anything because of the wind but now you make me re-think. Really inspiring! Thanks.

  16. Well done for your Chelsea Flower Shoe entry. Good luck. You certainly deserve a medal for inspiration 👏👏

  17. hi cloud gardener uk 🤗
    wow! i am amazed by your balcony garden. ive never seen one like it. so creative and plentiful. tfs

  18. Fabulous and beautiful, just checked your balcony out because I have been reading all about it in the MEN. Brilliant 🤩

  19. Try potatoes I grow mine in bucket s there the easiest thing to grow also water mint a natural oxygenator also you can eat it.

  20. The worms are also making more compost for you do not throw away old plants leave in a separate container add a couple of worm’s cardboard scrap veg from kitchen your have your own worm farm best natural compost 👍🏻

  21. if you introduce centipedes they'll help manage the slugs. I added them to my garden and it's made a world of difference

  22. Awesome work! Just getting my balcony and living room window started. Lot's of inspiration in your videos. Thank you for sharing.

  23. What a beautiful space you’ve created! I live in Tennessee although originally from London and our gardens are very different but I still found a lot of inspiration from your balcony. I’m more than a little jealous that you can grow tomatoes in the winter!

  24. I just found your channel and I am supper excited to see you progress. I have a backyard garden here in Buffalo NY but I want to start growing on my balcony . It's shaded so I'm lookig forward to growing salad greens and other shade tolerant food and flowers. Blessings as you continue to grow.

  25. Interesting what you say about the arches and the wind. We are going to move soon to a 5th floor flat and I was thinking about climbers and grapes. Great vid and keep them coming. X

  26. Great video mate, enjoyed having the tour…Just getting into doing my 12th floor balcony and wanted recommendations for 2 outside window boxes, preferably hardy flowers that last most of the year or something that looks reasonably pretty all year?

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