Gardening Supplies

Organic Gardening Myths – Fertilizers

There are plenty of tips and tricks about how to fix your soil with fertilizer short cuts. Some are true, some aren’t. Tricia will help sort some of them for you.

Organic gardening, homesteading, farming, lifestyle & how-to videos from Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply.

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  1. Ok, so I do use coffee grounds.  I use it around my plants to deter snails, not to change the PH.  I figure it is organic matter and will just add to the soil once it decays.  I put coffee grounds and ground up eggshells in my planting holes when I transplant my tomatoes. I don't have any transplant shock.  I tried the same thing with my peppers but they didn't fare as well, so I just use the eggshells and a water soluble fertilizer.

  2. A way to make the nutrients of banana peels more readily available is to dry them and then pulverize them in a grinder or food processor. Same thing with eggshells, although a grinder would be better for that purpose. Of course, composting them is great too, whether it be aerobic compost or worm compost, which is what I do with them now. But for a large garden, that's not going to be enough, and you do need fertilizer.

  3. What about diluted human urine? There have been studies on the use of human urine, and it has been found to be an effective fertilizer for tomatoes in particular. I have used urine along with aerobic and worm compost, and I've never had to buy fertilizer. Granted, my garden is small.

  4. Great video. This question is unrelated to the topic, but the chicken coop looks fantastic. Are you able to tell us where to find that type of chicken coop or the plans to build one? Thanks.

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