Vegetable Gardening

Incredibly Easy Cat Proof Seed Bed | Self Sufficient Vegetable Gardening for Beginners

Simple Cat Proof Seed Bed. Self Sufficient Vegetable Gardening for Beginners. Sowing seeds without modules or seed trays in a simple seed bed.
How to Stop Cats Pooping in the Garden
Lovely Greens’ Plant Labels video

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About Us.
Byther Farm is a small organic homestead, designed and managed using permaculture practices. We aim for self-sufficiency in fruit and vegetables for increased self reliance and better resilience to the modern world. I recognise that we are unlikely to be truly self sufficient, but do the best we can. I share our home with my loving husband, Mr J and our cat, Monty.
We are a fifty-something couple who live on a smallholding in Monmouthshire, Wales. We are going green and creating a gentler, cleaner and more healthy life for our family.
There is a large organic kitchen garden with no dig gardening raised beds and young food forest in which to grown our fruit and vegetables.
We keep chickens and Aylesbury ducks.

‘Breathe’ by Kafkadiva.
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  1. Hi Liz! I absolutely love your videos! I make seed beds for flowers and my leeks. Also biannual flowers. I still use a lot of trays though. But I bassicly do what you do too.

  2. We have just followed you on your Instagram. Love your channels Liz & Mr.J..👍❤️

  3. the quickest and easiest way to make a drill is to use the edge of a board about the same thickness as the edge of the garden – 19/25mm

  4. take the bottom off the packet and then u can roll up the packet when finished and as name is usually at top of packet, you will still be able to read variety with top rolled over to recluse packet

  5. Hi Liz, do you vermicompost your cats poo after removing from the bed? or would you reccomend composting at, some people say only use herbivore poo but seems a waste of organic matter if following permaculture priciples? thanks for all your vids too really helpful and inspiring

  6. Daffodils bloom in april in the Czech Republic :o. I can't believe you have them in full bloom in early March.

  7. I've been wanting to make a seed starting bed for the past few years but I always forget, this year I have a few raised beds set up… I will definitely give this a go… I have to make mine dog proof though 😅

  8. Hey! I asked about seeds trays in your live, thanks for taking the time to explain this! I'd love to see how you move the seedlings (and at what stage) into their 'forever home'

  9. Great tips as always Liz. My Murphy has been using my spare raised bed as his personal outdoor loo too!

  10. BOSTO TO YOU BEAUTIFUL SISTER Liz 🌹 thankyou for your time and understanding, Peace from PEASMARSH East Sussex UK England 😁

  11. Great video my daffodils still nothing yet but never really had much look out here in Spain with them im thinking it could be the climate here i like the mesh frames over the seed bed idea great way to keep the cats off

  12. Lol! Having morning tea while watching this video. Just finished sowing and marking with sticks – I know I’ll forget what’s there. Mmm might just go back out and label them properly!! Thanks Liz you’re always an inspiration!

  13. Hi Liz. I remember a video you did about your favourite beans to grow that were also great to dry store. What is the name of this bean please.

  14. Love the idea of sowing in a bed or container rather than using modules!
    I watched lovely greens video a few days ago on painting plant markers so I rejuvenated some old wooden labels I had.

  15. Great video – particularly love the framed wire mesh for covering the seedbed, I think I’m gonna have to make one or two of those myself!

  16. Hello Liz, I've got an urgent question and was wondering if you could help me? Last year I sowed various Brassicas into pots, and someone looked after them for me when I went away. I came back and they had been complerely eaten by caterpillars and were just stalks! I couldnt bear to throw them away so kept them on in an unheated greenhouse over winter. They are now about 8" high with lots of leaves. Are they worth planting out or will they just bolt? Thank you for your time and your great videos

  17. Lovely video, I love daffodils they make me think of Home and Grandma. I finished reading your first book “Grounded” I couldn’t put it down, it was just as delightful and informative as your videos are. I really encourage anyone that enjoys watching your videos to purchase it!

  18. Thanks for the terrific video Liz it was really concise, just how I like them 😀 you really come across well for a relatively newbie gardener like myself and it’s very much appreciated, thanks for again for sharing stay safe David 👍👍

  19. Great video Liz. I can’t wait to start planting the seeds. You make it look very easy and possible.❤️

  20. Hahaha I use the stick method for labelling too Liz! 😂🙈
    Jetwashed my greenhouse yesterday….it’s gleaming! So can’t wait to get sowing 🌱🌱🌱

  21. I love this idea Liz and am going to make a similar seedbed for our seeds this Spring. Our lovely gentle little black cat died at 22+ years old and though she was litter tray trained and went in to the back porch to use her tray rather than the garden we now have other people's cats coming in. The daytime is not so bed because of Snoopy our large black and white Springer spaniel who loved Velvet but doesn't let other cats light about the place but at night he is in the house…actually in the bedroom and yes frequently in my bed! The answer I think is to get hold of stuff to make those protective covers you use and I can see a job well done. William is making wooden seed trays to replace the brittle plastic ones that we used for so long and we are both determined to minimise the use of plastic as far as we can. I've watched Tanya and we've decided to make wooden plant labels too. Like you I am good at labelling in the beginning but the weather and birds scatter those awful plastic things, they fade or become brittle and messy and I end up guessing what things are…great that we often face the same hassles in the garden and can learn from each other useful ways of doing things differently. Thank you Liz and stay well.v

  22. What a helpful video Liz, thankyou! You, Huw and Charles Dowding are making such a difference to my confidence with gardening. I'm in Zone 6 in Autumn, and feeling excited about the new season ☺️. I'd like to ask your advice about drake's mixing with chickens, and you do an awesome job of answering our comments 🙂, so I hope I'm not catching you at a busy time…. But…. Our Pekin Drake has it in for our little Quambie hen, he chases her and pulls at her feathers. He's fine being around our two quiet Hyline hens, but as soon as he sees her, the chase is on. When the ducks were seperate constantly (just 2, male and female Hyacinth and Richard ) after 5 (yes 5!!!) cockerels went elsewhere; the little Quambie hen became the dominant chook. I'm just wondering if she took on more than she could chew and picked on Richard and he hasn't forgotten. Do you know of anything that might fix the situation Liz? Feeling a bit desperate. He was so affectionate as a duckling.

  23. I planted radish seeds which I got from paul of richard and paul,I put them in a container on to the kitchen sill

  24. I use old pieces of chicken wire. I just lay it on top of the soil. Cats won't walk on it and neither will anything else. Love the idea of a seed bed for next year. Thanks.

  25. I’ve just tried this out to get my next load of seedlings growing. I had to net immediately because of the blackbirds haha thank you for the info and to finally convince me to label

  26. My cats arę well-trained, they go to the neighbours' 😁 As long as I share my tomatoes or cucumbers with them, neighbours not cats, they don't mind ✌️

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