Garden Design

Small garden design inspiration from the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019

Which ideas from the 2019 RHS Chelsea Flower Show would work brilliantly in your garden? Find your inspiration here.

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  1. 'Love your weeds' is a trend I've been rolling with for years 😃. Monty Don was looking very aloof. And yes, we should all be planting more trees! Enjoy Chelsea 🌸🌹🌻

  2. Thanks Alexandra. There are some beautiful and interesting gardens on display here. I particularly love the idea of using trees more throughout a garden. This idea would require much thought as there are so many issues involved. For example, many people don't want to wait for a tree to grow to a mature size as that could take several (or more) years and many of us do not want to wait that long for one reason or another. It would be rather expensive to buy a mature tree and the tree would be difficult to establish . These questions would need to be asked for each tree planned for the garden. Another question for a tree-based garden would be: what purpose do we want it to serve? Do we want to wander around in it, sit in a clearing, or gaze at it from inside the house or from viewing platforms? Today I read in Gardens Illustrated magazine that one of the Chelsea show gardens has a woodland garden with a glade, where the idea is to wander into the glade and look around at interesting plants, gaze into a pond, sit and have tea, etc. So how could a glade concept be adapted to a small or mid-sized garden? A third issue that nags at me is: what will become of an existing sunny border if one has trees planted throughout the garden? Would that mean that one couldn't any longer grow any plants that like full sun? Anyway, there is lots to explore at Chelsea, it seems. Thanks so much for sharing and enjoy your visit there.

  3. Wow lucky you, fancy attending with all the VIP's, did you see any of the Royals? Great overview many thanks.

  4. Once again, you have produced a really great garden video for us. Thank you so much for the work you do. I so appreciate it.

  5. Lovely. Wish there was a ❤ button instead of just "like"! I visited Chelsea in 2016 and it was lovely. You are corrected the gardens seem a bit more relaxed.

  6. Chris Beardshaw is my favourite designer followed by Andy Sturgeon , both won gold with Andy getting best in show

  7. Thanks for sharing the highlights from these skilled designers. I appreciate the time you’ve taken to distill these ideas down. Nothing like a useful, succinct analysis.
    Moss instead of turf in shady areas and clover 🍀mixed with turf in sunnier areas. Nice! 🐝

  8. I'm trying out some mixed oddball dahlias this year, along with mosses in containers and other things for the fun aspect. My garden is a series of narrow access paths and a very steep shaded slope. It's odd so why not make the plantings odd, I think. We'll see how it works out, lol. I see we grow a lot of the same plant groups in coastal Oregon VS England. Nice video, thanks for the ideas.

  9. Beautiful images, Alexandra, along with insightful commentary. Thank you. I’m enjoying this Chelseafest! Evie.

  10. This was spectacular! And excellent narrative, thank you for sharing this glimpse of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. I dream about going someday.

  11. Lovely. Thank you. It is my dream to attend one day! Of course one man's weeds are another's treasures. I love rose campion because it doesn't go crazy in my yard. And I found it ironic that the emphasis was so much on climate change yet the amount of energy used to put this show together for such a short time is mind boggling.

  12. Climate change is not based on science…it’s a non issue! However responsible stewardship is always good practice.

  13. I simply can’t understand how it would be possible for an average size adult to get the bike from its shelter. Beautiful, though.

  14. I loved the look of the curvy garden that you featured at the end of your video – do you remember who designed it? I'd love to see more of their work as it was very inspiring.

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