Edible Gardening


One of the best things that I started this 2021 is gardening! I am still learning a lot and discovering new things. Hopefully in future, I can be more towards permaculture and all that shiz but for now baby steps!

If you guys are garden enthusiasts as well, please do share some of your gardening secrets, I would love all the help I can get.


Blue dream by Cheel

Fresh up by Tubebackr


  1. Hi salam dari Nederland. I have also little veggie garden. It is on veggiegardentables. So cute and beautiful. Check it out.

  2. Hello i am from india🇮🇳………i think The cucumbers dry due to not being pollinated……try hand pollination if that works……happy gardening 👍🏻✨☺️

  3. I think the problem you are having is your flowers are not propergating properly because u live in a balcony. Try buying self propergating hybrid seeds next time. Or get flowering plants that attract bees. Good luck!

  4. OMG how odd! We met at Filemon camp a few weeks ago! I want to start my own balcony garden and start learning from yt and I randomly come across your video! I would love to keep in touch with you :))


  5. The lettuce is bolting, it means its receiving too much sun and too hot. Lettuce like cool and partly shaded area. The mulberry is not suitable to grow in containers, mulberry will grow into a hugeee tree and its not a bush. The leaves on your eggplants indicating lack of nutrients. Cucumbers, Eggplants, tomatoes, capsicum, chillies are very heavy feeders so it needs to be fed every 2 weeks especially when it's planted so crowded and so close to eachother like that, they will fight for food. I feed my fruiting plants with fish emulsion, seaweed extract and concentrated chicken poop pellets.

  6. That lettuce looks like wild lettuce. In the UK it is tinctured and used as a natural painkiller. But if you bought the seed I could be wrong.

  7. Gardening is an ongoing learning experience – you never stop learning new things. Hope you keep it up as that looks lovely. Re the lettuce – its a cool season plant – that lettuce had bolted and would taste horrible. They don't like heat or too much sun. Have you got a less hot, much more shady spot for lettuce? And hand pollinating for the cucumber – same for zucchini and other members of the squash family, otherwise the fruit wither. If you can find the 'patio' size plants they are the best for small areas – like normal eggplants, broccoli can be huge plants. If you like green beans, dwarf beans are also great for small spaces as they take up next to no space and you can plant them really closely

  8. Tip – You probably don't have pollinators where you are! You can try attracting them OR pollinate them yourself! Hope that helps! Also Kang Kong is a good Vegetable, it's like spinach! 😀

  9. Hi. Я думаю, что растениям не хватает нужного объема грунта, что бы развиваться правильно. Вы сажаете слишком много растений на один горшок. Для 1 растения помидора нужно от 5-8 литров. Для одного растения огурца нужно 10 литров. Так же это должны быть нужные сорта семян, именно для выращивания дома. Растению не хватает места что бы вырастить под землёй раскидистые корни, и получить достаточно питания.
    Нужен хороший грунт составленный из Биогумуса /Перлита/ Вермикулита / не кислого Торфа . Именно по этому растения могут отбрасывать цветения и не завязывать плоды овощей. Так же вносить ежемесячно подкорми и биологические удобрения. Используйте советы. Урожай будет огромным и вкусным. Удачи

  10. As for the cucumbers, have you tried mulching the soil for water retention? I know they are gluttens for water. 😅

  11. Hi, fellow apartment balcony gardener in jakarta here
    You can try hydroponic gardening for your edible veggies like kangkung/pakcou/leek. It works wonderfully in my balcony, and its easier to maintain too. Soil gardening took waaay too long imo haha

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