
The best fall garden tips | GardenFork + The Impatient Gardener

I’m teaming up with Eric from @GardenFork to share some great fall garden tips.
Check out more tips on Gardenfork here:

#FallGardenTips #gardening #TheImpatientGardener

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These are the rose collars I use to help protect my roses:

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My name is Erin and I love sharing inspiration and information with real-life gardeners. I live and garden in southeastern Wisconsin, zone 5. 

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  1. We just wrapped all our arborvitaes with netting to keep the deer from eating them, it’s pretty invisible so it doesn’t look too bad, hopefully it works. Last year they nailed a couple pretty bad.

  2. Instead of plastic I use a cardboard box with the top and bottom cut off. Lasts through the winter then goes in the compost pile in the spring.

  3. This was so good! We have so much deer pressure, would love to hear what else you do to keep them at bay. 🚫🦌

  4. Thank you so much I enjoyed your video – very down to earth! And it sang to my heart~ those are the same issues I run across. Thank you for your tips! See you on your next video

  5. I made a new vege garden recently in my rear yard. You know there so much works on it.


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  6. Hi, came to your channel from Laura @ Garden Answer. Subbed 🙂

  7. I enjoyed that at least people read the comments.  I will never say POST.  Post stand upright.

  8. Thank you so much for all your tips – I have been watching for over a year- putting the flower bed to sleep is important and I have never done anything but turn off the outdoor hoses and come inside – so over winter already – (Northwest Indiana 11/12/19 -10 below with the wind chill)

  9. So happy Laura from Garden Answer gave you a well deserved shout out! I love your channel and more subscribers need to know about you. Keep up the good work. Will you cover some winter topics such as houseplants, spring garden planning, etc.? Also, keep up the commentary from the pups. Love it. And it makes your channel unique and funny.

  10. Are you of Norwegian descent? I only ask cause my sister-in-law is from Wisconsin & you 2 look like you could be sisters!

  11. Thanks Erin. When covering your hydrangeas and climbing roses, do you create a cover 6’ high as well?

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