Gardening Trends

June Garden Tour | Small Space Gardening

Full June Garden Tour ***Correction: The flower at the end is scabiosa***
IG and TikTok: @msasiaspratley
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All Things Chickens
Hen Up Organics Feed and Scratch: (brand influencer)
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  1. Thank you for sharing. I love your garden. What variety of gomphrena did you grow? I grow them every year and I've never seen a dark colored one.

  2. Please reconsider planting the strawberries with asparagus. I think you will regret it. I did that my second year of gardening and I have been fighting the strawberries in that bed for about 6 or so years. Even after completely digging up all the strawberries as carefully as possible, and unfortunately interrupting the production of my asparagus, strawberry plants keep popping up in the bed. Asparagus roots(crowns) do not like being disrupted. Strawberries will choke your asparagus out.

  3. Girl, Asia! You have a mini farm😄. You really out did yourself! Amazing, amazing, amazing! Thanks for sharing "everything"! 😊

  4. Very interesting garden. Lots of amazing fruits and vegetables, especially those tomatoes. Thanks for sharing….

  5. Hey, Beautiful! If that is cedar-apple rust on your tree, you might want to start treating it. It can cause low yields, smaller fruit, spoiled fruit, and if left untreated your tree can stop producing all together. The fungus is caused by infected cedars and junipers. Do you have any in your area or did you purchase it that way? Your garden is beautiful. Your energy is too! Thank you for sharing your sunshine personality with us. 💚

  6. beautiful garden! i have seen some people who grow tree collards not mainly for food but for fertilizer instead of the comfry. have you ever heard of that?

  7. My garden has been ravaged by monarch larvae and moth larvae, what a battle . I did get some cucumbers and collards to harvest. Pest and watering have been issues.

  8. Your garden is inspiring! The Butterfly Pea Flowers make dark blue tea that reacts with acids and turns pink. You can make a color changing tea by mixing lemon juice into the tea and turning it from blue to pink!

  9. You are so inspiring for use of space. One of my favorite things about this season is a garden tour while I have a cup of tea in the morning. I walk my own garden every day, but I love walking with others on YouTube. Thanks for sharing!

  10. As always LOVE the video! I cannot find comfrey anywhere under $9.00 for seed on Amazon. Where to you get yours? Also, you mentioned using flowers for your skin and for tea. Can you do a video on how you use them? Do you dry them first or just boil them? Interested in how to maximize the usage of my garden. What I can eat or not eat. You mentioned you eat some of the leaves of a plant. Thanks!

  11. You have used your backyard space well. I am inspired by your garden. I would have fewer flowers and more veggies and fruits. (😃)
    Much success

  12. Your garden is amazing, what zone are you in? If your sweet potatoes only produce small tubers-they like lots of space-you might plant them in full sun. I live in the central valley of northern California and they may limp down midafternoon but they pop back up. IT is hard here to find something that will take full sun all day.

  13. His, happy Sunday.please Can you sharewith us the herbs you grow, and your experience in using them

  14. Beautiful!! What part of the country are you in? I’m in the panhandle of Florida and my whole garden is shriveled and sad from the heat. I have an abundance of luffa plants, I have a tendency to kill things so I planted them in severe places in hopes I’ll get at least a couple 😂.

  15. Impressive luffa. Great video and garden as always! Hope the yellow door finds its home again!

  16. Hi i have been loving watching your content because i have a very small space to garden in here in the Caribbean isle of trinidad. I started documenting my journey a year ago on my phone but i want to get a camera. May i ask what type of camera you have? (Not my strong point) either way you are inspiring!

  17. How you're able to just grab them bugs bare hand……….lol bless you, because i stay gloved up in my baby garden 😛 Great tour though, everything seems to be flourishing.

  18. Hello there. I have been binging on your videos and you have revived my desire to work in my garden again. I got the grow bags you use as well as you gardener's brown apron. My question to you is what did you cover your ground with? cardboard then mulch/ hay? And what happens to your ground when it rain or you water? Please do a video on it or point me to an already existing video. Thank you.

  19. Marigolds are beautiful. I grew some from seed, and just planted them in my back yard. Also, yes, your Hollyhock will come back along with others. They drop many seeds in your garden. Your garden looks fantastic. Thanks for the tour. I am learning to amend my soil …thanks to you.

  20. As always, I enjoy tours of your lovely garden.👏🏽👏🏽 I noticed you have tomato plants in red plastic cups planted inside grow bags. Do you remove the bottom from cup completely before planting? Is it very beneficial?

  21. Everything looks great! My eggplant 🍆 didn't do much last year. What variety is the skinny kind? Maybe I should try a different variety next year.

  22. We served butterfly pea flower tea at my daughters tea party birthday and when you add lemon it changes color to pink! It was so fun!

  23. You have a lovely garden, and have utilized every inch of your space beautifully. My space is larger, yet not as well organized as yours😂 Well done!


  25. My tomatoes have blight, I removed the infected leaves and sprayed with 3 tablespoons of peroxide in a hand sprayer . Not sure how much it holds, maybe a quart . And in 2 days I’ll spray with fungicide.
    My garden has slug issues lol. I’m killing about 10 a night.
    Other than that the garden is in mass production time.
    You’re garden look great, I’ll be subscribing to see how your garden season progresses.
    Tomato sandwich time is here y’all 😁

  26. Abundance, Joy and good company! What else could you want in life?! I made a long list of your plants for inspiration. I'll be trying my hand at some but it'll be a while before I have anything as proper as your garden! You have many medicinal and highly nutritious plants have you researched them all or do you just happen to have an excellent selection by luck? Had a wonderful time in this tour! Love your excitement and joy you have about the order of the garden, describing all of them and naming them all as you pass by! Enjoyed knowing the history and progress of the different plants, the sections, what you expect to happen to them, what you plan to do with them and how they do and should grow! So much information! This is a well maintained, planned and beautiful garden and worth showing off! You look proud and you should be proud!I've missed a lot lately jut I Will be looking forward to quails, how you're managing the rodents, your beautifully taken harvest pictures, and the process and progress of your inspirational garden. Amazing work! Congratulations 👏!

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