Edible Gardening

Easiest Edible Flowers to Grow in the Kitchen Garden

The petals of flowers like echinacea, chamomile, and calendula are edible and offer many benefits to your health and your garden.

Learn the basics of growing your own vegetables, herbs and fruit in your backyard with Nicole Burke, Owner of Rooted Garden and Gardenary.
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  1. I never knew calendula didn’t like the heat. That explains a lot! LOL Thanks for another great, informative video.

  2. Kids are picky eaters. In your opinion, what are some of the easiest flowers to get children to begin eating? Are there are that are milder in flavor, or sweeter than others?

  3. I really struggle with calendula actually. I tried with an entire pack of botanical interest seeds in early spring and then again in October. Maybe it was just a bad lot of seeds :/

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