Front Yard Garden

Transforming front yard from turf to native Michigan landscape

We exchanged the turf and non-native plants for a variety of Michigan native flowers/grasses/sedges!

This landscape was done by our friends at Creating Sustainable Landscapes! Check them out to see more!

Creating Sustainable Landscapes, LLC

Plants include:
Geramium Macatalum – Wild Geranium
Sporobolus heterolepis – Northern Dropseed
Echinacea pallida – Pale Purple Coneflower
Silphium terebinthinaceum – Prairie Dock
Geum triflorum – Prairie Smoke
Bouteloua curtipendula – Side-oats Grama
Monarda fistulosa – Wild Bergemot
Eurybia macrophylla – Big Leaf Aster
Allium cernuum – Nodding Onion
Asclepias tuberosa – Butterfly Weed
Schizachyrium scoparium – Little Bluestem
Zizia aurea – Golden Alexanders
Aquilegia canadensis – Red Columbine
Carex brevior – Plains Oval Sedge
Aralia racemosa – Spikenard
Eutrochium purpureum – Sweet Joe Pye Weed
Symphyotrichum cordifolium – Heart-Leaved Aster
Stylophorum diphyllum – Wood Poppy
Polemonium reptans – Jacob’s Ladder
Actaea rubra – Red Baneberry
Heuchera americana – Alum Root
Carex eburnea – Ivory Sedge
Tiarella cordifolia – Foamflower
Oligoneuron rigidum – Stiff Goldenrod
Eryngium yuccifolium – Rattle Snake Master
Penstemon hirsutus – Hairy Beardtongue
Ruellia humilis – Wild Petunia


  1. This looks like it will become really nice. Any chance at going back near the one year anniversary and see how its turning out?

  2. Hi, I got 4 native plant landscapings in the books for my business last fall. I like what you did and it’s amazing to see other companies do this too!
    I was wondering where you are finding most of your customers? What have you learned about managing customer’s expectations that are contrary to mainstream landscaping?

    Inspiring work

  3. I love what you did to your front yard. I live in Birmingham and need, want to transform my front yard. Can you recommend anyone who could help me. Many thanks.

  4. If you had to spray a broad spectrum herbicide to obtain this doesn't that work counter to the idea of making it natural?

  5. Awesome video but I wished it had more explanation. How did you stamp out the grass. What did you put on after? (Just top soil?)

  6. Hoping to see an update video. Would love if there was a spring, summer and fall video to see how it changes! I’m extra needy!

  7. I want to do this in Kentucky but our No 1 native landscape plant is actually fescue grass so I guess we'll keep mowing.

  8. I’m excited I found your channel! I life in Rochester, and I’m trying to do a few of these things by myself on a large lot that was professionally landscaped when I got here 3 years ago. There are areas that have nothing on them, but there was a smallish organic garden. I’ve been planting things in the areas that were just mulch, and quite large. No water gets to them, so I’m having a bit of a difficult time keeping them watered. I’m looking to seed sone areas with edibles and planted heirloom corn, heirloom tomatoes, raspberries and blueberries around small fruit trees. The biggest issue is a dry slope along the back privacy fence that is my dog’s favorite barking area, since there are large dogs on the other side! I’m trying to fence off about 5’ so he can’t get back there, and in the meantime I’m looking for seeds or small plants that would quickly fill in that area.
    Maybe I should call your landscape crew! Nice job! I’m excited someone lives near me!

  9. So how was the grass killed off at the beginning? Some kind of spray? More info would be helpful.

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