Front Yard Garden

FINALLY! Front Yard Gardening Makeover – On A Budget | BEFORE AND AFTER

I have been meaning to makeover my front yard and do some gardening for 6 years! And the time has finally come! Watch for the before and after of our front yard, including some planters, small pot plants, digging and new sol – the works!

Got any gardening tips or any questions for us!? Drop them in the comments below.

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  1. Even though this is from clear last year, I had to comment that you did a good job. Maybe this year you can add mulch and edging to your flower beds for a phase II for this project. Mulch will keep your plants roots cool and moist. Less likely to dry out with fewer watering times. Also, I think those red shrubs looked like bayberry bushes. You might want to keep them trimmed back more because they have right nasty thorns on them. Am I right? Happy planting. P. S. Mulch also keeps weeds down, while edging helps keep grass from taking over your flower beds.

  2. I enjoyed watching you do the job, much like me..dnt have time to research but I'll put whatever I find pretty for my eyes. Happy gardening.

  3. Definitely doesn't hurt to do some research … You want ever greens or perennials… Even if you go to your local garden center and just talk to one of the employees so you can see how much sun the plants will receive along with other things like soil fertilizers that will help your garden thrive. Good luck Gardening

  4. Ugh my favorite pastor is South African and listening to the way you speak makes me so calm and so happy!! Also thank you for admitting cluelessness. It made me feel better about my own experience. And now I feel like there's no shame in wandering around home depot for 40mins as long as I end up with what I like!

  5. You need to find a new profession you do not know what you are doing. Those little pots are stupid and should not be hung on your rails and just edging Nd mulching should be the first thing. Maybe read up on what you are doing first.

  6. easiest way to get the plants out of the little six packs, is to gently squeeze the sides of the packs. plant will slide right out.

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