
DREAM BIG in a tiny Tropical Garden (280 sqft) + Pro Gardening Tips ft. the legendary Farren Wayne

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This is a tropical paradise – the private garden of Farren Wayne – a plant collector in KL, Malaysia whose plant collection is the envy of many! His aroid collection is legendary – anthuriums, alocasias, philodendrons and then there are many colocasias and plants from the ginger family thriving happily together. And his number 1 gardening problem is his plants growing too fast. No sympathy for him there! His leafs are HUGE and he brings us around in his garden – small in size but huge in impact – and shares his plant care tip with us in this video.

Connect with me:
Instagram: @leafing.around
Facebook: @leafing.around.official

Farren’s Instagram: @justp_lantit


  1. omgeeeeeeeeeeee this video makes me wanted to have a green house with a tropical garden inside T…..T PLANTS ARE ADDICTIVE TBH, I've got this ambitious mindset that "I MUST HAVE NEW PLANTS EVERY WEEK"…. imagine my wallet T..T its sobbing..

  2. Omg, you guys are so cute. The way go gasmic for these plants😂 great video!!!

  3. Hi Farren, i'm from the phils… Your garden is amazing.. Thanks, irene for featuring his garden.. I'm now re arranging my garden.. Like Farren's. I'm looking for the same moss pole here to grow my paraiso verde.. Wow

  4. I feel so envious of the plants that can grown outdoors in Malaysia. You are so fortunate and together with your green thumbs you achieve such wonderful gardens. Thank you for sharing with us who live in temperate zones!!

  5. Parabéns ótimo vídeo parabéns 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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