Garden Plans

2021 Vegetable Garden Plans – Start Planning Now! – & EP2 of 'Get to Know Me'

👉🏻’Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods’ by Anthony William

👉🏻 Floret Tool Belt:*+&post_type=product

🌳Beginner Gardener Tips:
🌳Gift Ideas (Fav Gardening Items) –
🌳Favorite Tools:
✨FOLLOW ME – Instagram @daisygomez.kgks
✨FOLLOW ME – TikTok @daisygomez.kgks

🌳 ABOUT ME: Hi, my name is Daisy. I live in South TX – in a town close to Houston, TX. We are in Zone 9. I am married and have 3 beautiful daughters. 2019 was my first year gardening. We live in a suburban area with a small backyard. I have a backyard high-density orchard with over 30 fruit trees and 11 raised beds we built Feb 2020 for our Vegetable Garden. I hope we can learn together and I can inspire you to live a happier/healthier life! Lets garden together.

👉🏻Business Inquires:
👉🏻Mailing Address:
28610 Hwy 290 Ste F09 Box 210
Cypress, TX 77433


  1. Hola bella,love your idea of greening the area,but me ,not minding my business see it as a perfect spot for a cold sensitive plants like a couple of guavas trees and passion fruit vines! Feliz Año Nuevo!

  2. I really enjoy your videos, your voice is so calming. Love all your tips and seeing the progress of your garden. Keep up the great work!

  3. Wow all girls just like me I really like the ideas that you have in your head about the way that you want your garden to look I bet it’s going to be beautiful arches are the bomb I don’t have them yet but I plan to also you said something about Hawaii I just recently met somebody at Walmart she told me her daughter live there and she said that because of what’s going on right now that everybody is losing their homes and their vehicles because they basically live off of tourist and there is no tourism right now there so it’s really bad over there although it’s beautiful from what I hear I’ve never been there myself but family and friends that have been said that it was really nice but hopefully one day things will get back to normal and you can go on your vacation to Hawaii there’s a seed company I really like is called fruition seeds I believe that you will like them as well they are very humanitarian just a perfect company kind of remind me of Baker Creek but on the smaller scale and if you’re looking to get heirloom open pollinated tomatoes I’ve been going to this guy for a long time Curtis from I think you will see that he has so many tomatoes that you were probably go tomato crazy especially if you love 🍅 there’s another company on Instagram I believe it’s called basically the kids help do everything that has to do with all the seeds that they grow also I really like avocados too. You are very enjoyable to watch and I really really enjoy them have a beautiful day!

  4. Daisy you’re a breath of fresh air … I was so surprised to learn how old your girls are! I thought they were maybe 4 or 6 max! I love that you’ve been with your husband such a long time, that is so lovely, just like me and Richard, childhood sweethearts 😍😍

  5. Hi daisy!! Another great video! Love it! 💜 Also… YAY I WAS IN THE VIDEO!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, DAISY!!

  6. LOL was your shadow doing the butterfly HAHA I cannot wait for spring too! I think your new space will be a great hiding spot yesss

  7. omg yes do 3 arches! You should do an obelisk in a larger pot with a fruiting vine or grape. Im in rockport, texas zone 9b and my madagascar jasmine lovesssssss being in a pot with its obelisk.

  8. I liked the vid a lot! I have been trying to research for YouTube vid similar to yours that really informs everything in this YouTube vid. 🙌Your lesson is similar to the channel from Dr Ethan. His videos are insightful and I really learned a lot for my wellness! He is the helpful health enthusiast on YouTube and he talks about conditions and mental health!

    Go see his page out and give the doc a subscribe! 👉 #StudentDoctorEthan

  9. I really like your idea of the 3 arches! I would definitely look beautiful back in the garden.

  10. Love all your future plans and ideas! Excited to see them come to life. 🤗 Seeing your videos inspires me to start making my own to break out of my shell and like you said, leave something of myself for my kids. That’s such an amazing idea!

  11. Thanks for sharing! Wished your neighbor's kids shared a little less in this video. 😄

  12. I love Anthony's books too!!! So excited to realize you did too. I'd already seen your orchard tour and loved your channel and then I rediscovered you when I typed in "medical medium gardeners" so cool 🤗 I'm doing Medical Medium and starting my own food to watch my garden grow and eat my own food grown for me!

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