Edible Gardening


Kaye makes a return visit to The Bamboo Guy, Darrell Luck’s amazing tropical infused edible terrace garden on his large property in Tennessee, guided tour with LOADS of gardening info! City girl urban gardener turns late bloomer homesteader! If I can do this, you can, too!

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Music by Epidemic Sound.

“Late Bloomer” exists to inspire anyone to grow their own food. Kaye’s vlog covers gardening, travel, homesteading, and interesting people. Please share!

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Love @Mary’s Nest @Scott Head @OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY @Simplify Gardening ​


  1. Interesting about foreign species. The ones that do well are called invasive, unless useful to humans. The ones that don’t are called exotic and special. In South Africa they are quite ruthlessly removing non native trees as if the present government can decide what has and is best for life. In Bulgaria there are parks with the most unusual and beautiful trees from all over the World. There is a balance, all things change and a certain inclusivity and awareness during change seems wise.

  2. obviously not cages id use bamboo rather than metal but supports for pepper & tamotoes keep them away beans lima but be sure theres beans in there for protein

  3. I love your garden, how it's full of mysteries and surprises and a sort of randomness, letting nature (moths to voles to deer) have their day as well. I get discouraged seeing videos of spotless vegetables in serried ranks, but my garden attempts are closer to yours – and yours made it onto YouTube! It's like art – there's not one right way, except the enjoyable way. Thank you for reminding me of that!

  4. I’m from Illinois. We call it creeping Charlie and your right!!! It’s a total pain in the butt!! I have my yard sprayed by true green to get rid of it

  5. So, what did Darrell do for a living that would allow him to live the life he lives now? He's not in a mud hut out in the wilderness. It takes millions of extra dollars to live as he does.

  6. I lined up bales of hay that had been seating at a wedding in 2long rows on edge. Then pulled the hay apart a bit just to tuck in a cup of soil & a hosta or sedum baby. Egyptian onions, rose & lilac cuttings. The hay took care of everything on it's own….over the last couple of years it has decomposed to quarter height & the plants have become huge healthy plants to take to my daughter's new house where she will start gardens. STRAW that I had left over from my hens needs….it all started to grow in amongst the huge pots i lined trying to save on soil….and in the new beds around the patio I built last year. Just as bad as couch grass! Had to repot almost all of the 300 big pots I'd got ready to move to my daughter's. Thought it would be easier on the back w. less soil in those big pots….6 kiddie pools full and all around the woodpile & house foundation & infront of a fence…all will go! Too bad that most have bloomed already except the Deutzia & Lilies.

  7. Ground ivy & Jerusalem Artichoke are both bad but worse is Tansy if you are not careful. Many kinds of butterflies & wasps, bees etc LOVE the little buttonlike flowers but….spread by seed, by rhizome like crazy once established for 2 summer. Far & wide . Gorgeous tall lacy leaves, the bright yellow buttons are long lasting. A wonderful plant to use as a marker around your woods property but be careful in gardens!

  8. Just found your channel I’m from SoCal my sister in law lives in Rock Island, TN from CA been there 20+ years my nephew just moved to Murfreesboro TN this year build their dream home. I would love to learn to help him with canning his beans. My hubby and I are retired I’m 70, he’s 74, just a lazy life in SoCal lol.

  9. Loved this video. And I love bamboo ever since I was given a bamboo chair 40 years ago. I still use it

  10. do you have chickens? They'd love all your extra kale and stuff that you don't eat-
    I always give my chickens the holiest plants haha.

  11. Thanks to you guys i cut my dead bamboo and tomorrow will make a bamboo teppee trellis for my kiwi

  12. I have a lot of Hemi melon- i need to create a veritcle trellis for them to clime on.

  13. I was told years ago not to thank someone who gives you plants to thank them for them it’s bad luck

  14. Awesome tour!! Love the bamboo pole tents. I've been looking for bamboo in my area up here, no luck this year. I am going to look into banana melon, sounds interesting & try my hand at it next year. Thank you for the info on hay vs straw.

  15. Sir, that Elephants Ears is also edible, same as the roots that looks sweet potato or patatoe, just peel if and just boil it. or peel it chopped it and or boil it, once it's cook, you add brown sugar or white, add coconut cream and maybe some cinnamon.
    the stems you can peel it,cut like beans and set aside, then shred the leaves,, or cut like cabbage..then chopped, garlic, onions and ginger, you can add, salmon, chickens chopped, o some sardines, Hawaiian or Asian you ask them or go to internet YouTube or Google and ask how you can cook these Elephant Ears, and it will tell you.. Make sure you have rice to eat with. Good Luck !!! and enjoy!!!

  16. My best advice to a new Gardner is watch lots of you tube videos and learn how to save heirloom seeds.

  17. The most satisfying part of this video was when he pulled up the Johnson grass! That was great!

  18. Thanks for this video! He is very knowledgeable and full of energy! Does he sell his food? Surely he can’t preserve it all. Seems like it would take all your time just taking care of it all.

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