Container Gardening

How to Grow Vegetables in Containers – A Step by Step Guide || Black Gumbo

Container gardening is a great way to grow your own food and lots of fruits and vegetables without having to have an in-ground garden or a raised bed. You can successfully raise your own food if you live in an apartment, or in the city, on a rooftop, or in areas where you have bad soil. I’ll show you in this step by step how-to video the way I grow vegetables in containers. We will cover all the topics you need to know in order to have great harvests and successful gardening. These simple best practices and universal principles apply to almost every kind of container gardening and will make you a successful gardener.

I’ll also have an update on my Single Seed Challenge!



Black Gumbo shares our suburban, backyard, sustainable gardening efforts. We work a small-scale, typical Zone 9a garden and raised beds, the kind of gardening accessible to all. We tend to take the slice of life approach and hope you will enjoy our family, our dog, our cooking, our adventures, and occasionally some commentary and advice. We love family, joy and friendship, and we invite you to enjoy these things with us!

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  1. Having trouble transplanting my baby tomatoes enan keeping them in the house.the leaves weather and die.too cold to out them outside

  2. Last year I grew 3 detrimate tomatoes! I evan rooted off one of them and made another plant.they were the detriment ones

  3. Wow a lot of knowledge and information packed into a 20-minute video! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and experience with us! I'm planning to plant some carrots in containers so this was very helpful!

  4. Thanks for sharing your video! Your garden is beautiful. I’m a gardener too and I’m researching all the things I can grow in containers. I’m happy it led me to find you. I’m so happy it did your channel has so much to offer! This is very helpful. Thanks for teaching me something new. I hope we can learn more from each other as we grow our gardens and our channels!

  5. I think I'm going to try container gardening. Last year something ate our carrots, beets, corn and zucchini. Thank you for this information.

  6. Thank u– but talk about
    Bugs getting on the plants
    And destroy them—,
    What do u use—-i use
    7 dust, zz but my beans are
    Can I save seed off them or

  7. Thanks Scott. I grew peas and beans last year and this year I have got healthy lettuces, peas and tomatoes this year, saves me lots of money too

  8. Hello! Is it ok not to drill holes in 5 gallon buckets if you put like 2-3 inches of perlite or 3/4" rock in the bottom of it? I'm gardening in my apartment on tables and it works in a 100L storage box but it's heavy and cumbersome and I bought some buckets to try that out. But I can't have water spills. Thank you! I like your videos.

  9. Thank you now I know how to fertilize my tomatoes and beets. I start my seeds in my hydroponic garden Bless you🫶🏾

  10. Hi Scott, I enjoy your videos. Have you had any experience with Dow Agrichemicals' broadleaf herbicide called Grazon Next? I have. I used a bale of spoiled hay to mulch some tomatoes, squash and cucumbers. They died. Found out the hay was sprayed with Grazon. I am not against it, I use it myself as weed control. But you don't want it in your garden either by mulch or manure from animals that have eaten hay sprayed with it.

  11. My wife says her dad used horse manure "tea" on his veggie and strawberry plants and it worked. He also had a worm farm and put worms in his garden.


  13. I have a small backyard with bricks ground, can I put a flower bed on the top of the bricks ground?

  14. Many thanks for all of the wonderful advice/instruction. I am off to start my container garden. I have a very small space so containers will be the ticket. thanks again.

  15. My potatoes were a fail this year in large pots. The ones that survived were small. Mine do better in ground.

  16. I’m following several gardening channels, but you’re very thorough in your explanations specially for a new gardener such as myself. I’m subscribed as I’ve picked up much more clarity and realized some things I did wrong just by you explaining pros and cons. Thanks for your videos!

  17. Hi Scott. New Zealand here ,(just into spring)I am growing all my veg in pots this year. I have, Tomatoes, Capsicums, Four different Chilli peppers, Radish, Coriander, and for the time, Fenugreek. This video has been extremely helpful, along with you video on how to re-use potting contents. Thank you Sir.

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