Edible Gardening


Backyard Edible Garden Tour In Los Angeles, California | If you are interested in growing food, then come join me for a garden tour. You might pick up some ideas that might be helpful in planning your edible garden like which fruit trees and vegetables to grow, the varieties that thrive well in our growing zone, types of raised beds and barrels.. and many more.

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how to start a garden
urban gardening
spring gardening
what to plant now
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edible garden tour
garden tour
urban garden tour
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gardening for beginners
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garden design ideas
how to start a garden
what vegetables to plant
vegetable garden ideas
edible garden ideas
sustainable living
how to grow a garden
what vegetables to grow
garden tour in March
spring garden tour
spring blooms


  1. Garden looking good as always mate!! I went to the plant shop today and couldn't find a thing to buy!! LOL!!

  2. Great Work My Friend 🌹🌹🌹again Awesome & Excellent Content🌹🌹💕💕Wonderful
    My Friend Happy Easter🌹🌹💕💕💕👍👍👍👍👍

  3. i love seeing how much edible plants you can grow in your space! i cant wait to grow my own food forest

  4. Wow! You have it all! 😁 So many fruit trees!! Such a big rosemary bush you have!! I love rubbing my hand on it every time I go out. Just love the smell of rosemary!! Gorgeous garden!

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