
houseplantjournal: New addition but I can’t quite narrow down the species name. – 2️⃣…

New addition but I can’t quite narrow down the species name.

2️⃣ Spines on a cactus are modified leaves but this plant clearly wanted the best of both worlds.

3️⃣ Here’s how I look for plant names when I get super helpful labels like this…

Describe the plant + visual search for anything remotely similar.

This can usually get me to the genus then I try to image search a few of the species names that get suggested. Unfortunately, at this stage, you’ll get a lot of ambiguity since images will overlap.

So now I’ll see what people comment and use the image search to confirm…thanks in advance!
#houseplantjournal #houseplants #plants #urbanjunglebloggers #houseplantclub #plantdad #plantobsession #plantparenthood #cactus #succulent #alluaudia

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