
houseplantjournal: Aloe arborescens: 2️⃣ moved to my night table to photograph but wi…

Aloe arborescens: 2️⃣ moved to my night table to photograph but will it actually grow here? 3️⃣ Lol, NO! If the indirect light never gets higher than 50 foot-candles and the sun won’t come into view at any time of the day, only a snake plant would die the slowest and least noticeably.

4️⃣ The plant would much rather be here in the solarium: 5️⃣ early morning indirect light levels in the 150-200 FC range, intermittent direct sun around 9am, and 300-500 FC range in the afternoon when the sun is diffusely reflected off the building next door.

Link in profile: if you’re ready to understand light more precisely, I’ve listed the light requirements (broad ranges) for many houseplants.
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