
Which way will you do it? ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿค” #garden #gardening #plants #tips #howto #tomato

when you’re planting your Tomatoes you got to watch this lay them down pinch off mhm pinch off all the leaves up cover it over all the way down it’ll root all the way down here and you’ll have a monstrous tomato I’ve got a better idea I really hope you like Watering your plants often because the way that he did it is going to create root structure than the top layer of the soil which is going to dry out faster so instead of laying the plant down dig a deep hole and plant it in there take all the leaves off you’re still going to get all those roots developing but you’re going to access deeper nutrients and more moisture which will keep your plant healthier and more drought resistant


  1. Both work. I mulch with straw or grass. Tomatoes where I live don't need to be watered as much if you mulch properly โค

  2. Even better idea, dig a small trench, about 30-50cm (a ft) deep every plant you should lay in the trench, similar as the video starts, leave just top 4 leaves on the plant. Cover with soil lightly.

  3. Here's a novel idea: try it both ways and see what works best for your garden and your methods!!!!!

    Some gardeners water too often, some not enough. Some pray for rain and get bumper crops one year followed by drought the next.

    Be grown by your garden while it grows fruit!

  4. It will root but those rooTs are mainly for structural support for when plant flips over your actual roots are at dirt level. Just plant them there and your just as good

  5. Are you aware that tomato root structures arenโ€™t limited to horizontal growth? The way you described it might imply roots spread only horizontally, but in reality, they can grow both horizontally and vertically. Although I bury my tomatoes as you described, I acknowledge that the trench method can potentially lead to a more extensive root structure compared to deep burial in a hole. However, both methods can result in healthy tomato plants if done correctly, and the choice between them depends on factors such as space availability, soil conditions, and personal preference.

  6. I plant mt tomato plants with a post hole digger, works great. Better moisture usage by plants and plants get many micronutrients that are not available in the top 8 inches of soil

  7. Also use a water weed barrier that holds moisture in your soil, you'll get monster yield and fruit ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ… ๐Ÿ…

  8. Except when the soil temperature is still cold at depth, and you sink the roots into that cold soil.

  9. Common sense is so liberating. The deeper the root system the stronger and productive the plant. The deeper you plant tomatoes the more protected and bigger root system will grow. Which will need less water which tomatoes donโ€™t like to much of anyhow. Man always think theyโ€™re smarter than they really are with their fancy theories of doing things.

  10. I also tickle the yellow flowers like I tickle my wife on a Friday night after a six pack. Stimulate them water them and watch them sprout everywhere

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