
What’s wrong with her?

I came back from a week long vacation to a dried drooping monstera. I watered her thoroughly. But after about a week, I notice this big brown spot.

Otherwise the plant and other leaves look fine. What's the issue here? And how can I save the leaf?

by GoldBatter


  1. jesus what is that “soil”? monsteras need airy soil with a ton of drainage like perlite, orchid bark, leca or seramis not straight up clay

  2. distressedwillow

    ….I would look up proper monstera soil mixtures in this sub or on YouTube. ASAP. In a prior comment, you said it’s “well-draining” — do you mean that the water just *flows out the bottom* when you water it? I don’t mean to be rude *but this bad boy has the consistency of an easy bake brownie* and I’m truly shocked it’s even alive. I almost thought this was r/houseplantscirclejerk lol

  3. Any_Designer_5521

    Dang the soil looks like mud and only the back of the stem should be tied to the moss pole not the petioles. Ugh that soil is a problem waiting to happen.

  4. Bro got his potting medium from the la brea tar pits / mud vents

  5. No_Strike_9676

    What in the hell is that soil? This monstera has root rot possibly.

  6. IBelongInAKitchen


    Edit: it’s already been cross posted there lol

  7. penguinguineapig

    Everyone is commenting on your soil which need to be changed but your leaves are black because it’s either sunburnt or if it’s winter then frost

  8. CreditLow8802

    MAYBE… just maybe…. it cant grow in fucking cement

  9. thickdora

    the soil looks like me when i try to bake cookies lol (they come out burnt)

  10. LinkovichChomovsky

    That flood line looks like the aftermath of a hurricane

  11. LetterheadSuch4011

    …are you sure that’s not mud? 😅

  12. Ferns_n_feathers

    Jfc y’all way to discourage anyone from ever asking for help

  13. It’s probably the soil that looks like MUD, if I had to guess

  14. GameSloth13

    That looks like a burn to me but I would address the potting issues and check the roots for rot. You just need a good potting soil, I like Fox Farms personally. I add in extra perlite and orchid bark to make it chunky 1 part perlite, 1 part bark and 2 parts soil works for me.

    Once you get her happy she will really thrive and surprise you with her growth. Happy planting!

  15. TurnoverUseful1000

    Is your monstera sitting in mud, by chance ? I’m sorry, I forgot the original question.

  16. Severe_Airport1426

    Never plant anything in that medium again

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