
My solution to where my bulbs are

As some of my early spring perennials are dying back, and I inevitably forget where they’re planted, I decided to mark them this year! I simply hot glued a glass bead on top of a golf T, and shoved it in the ground at the base of the bulb! It looks pretty and now I won’t accidentally dig up my spring bulbs when I’m planting during the summer! I think I’ll do a different color bead for the summer bulbs. ☺️

by WorkingMinimumMum


  1. OverCookedTheChicken

    Great idea! Maybe I’ll do something similar, I’ll need a longer base though, and about 300 of them 😅

  2. codycarreras

    I need to do this. I always go “I’ll remember!” I never do lol.

  3. jon_stall01

    Don’t wanna put a damper on your creative plans but I have personally done this before using marbles. I’d say 90% of the marbles came loose within a month and I lost track of at least 75% of the stakes before fall came around. I love the idea and concept but personally I’m going to try to come up with a more durable option if I try this again

  4. GrandmaCereal

    Similarly, I have a ton of hostas planted in my shade garden. I thrifted spoons that I shoved in the ground nearby where each of them are planted so I remember where they’ll all come up!

  5. Orion14159

    Am I the only freak that takes pictures of his garden specifically to map it for next year?

  6. Garden_Espresso

    I take photos of the tags that come on the package in all the areas I plant bulbs or seeds- so I know what is sprouting in my garden.

  7. Glindanorth

    This is so smart. I’m going to do this because all of the little flags from Home Depot are somewhat of an eyesore.

  8. JesusChrist-Jr

    Ooh, I like it! I tried using a big package of skewers one year, but the various wild animals trampled them and made them ineffective.

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