
Accidental onions

Not sure if they are green onions or what but they popped up in my compost pile so I let them go.

Noticed they had a flower bud on a couple so decided to dig up what was there.

Was hoping for a bulb at the end but this is what came up.

Any ID on specific type?

Trumpet for scale.

by tookerken


  1. Ha with the trumpet “accidental onions” sounds like it could be a jazz standard.

  2. Psychological_Cat127

    ah bach Stradivarius onions only the finest aliums will do XD

  3. tookerken

    Sounds like a tasty treat. I’ll slice and dice em. Saute the white and use the green in salads.


  4. FangedLibrarian

    Before reading the caption, I thought the onions grew in your case and that’s why they were accidental. As a former trumpet player, I was horrified. Glad that it’s for scale, lol.

  5. scarmophogoghs

    Between the trumpet for scale and the dog in the background, this image is sending me

  6. AppropriateAthlete77

    I would be able to help, but I only usually use trombones for scale.

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