Backyard Garden

How to relay a Lawn | GARDEN | Great Home Ideas

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If you’ve been living on the East Coast of Australia you’ll understand why I have this it has been very damp recently and it’s been playing havoc on some of our prize plants obviously don’t need this today but you can see what it has done to this lawn it has completely

Destroyed it so I’ll show with you some tips how to bring this back to its former glory and make sure it doesn’t happen again now the biggest killer of any lawn is poor drainage grass can actually take lots and lots of water if it can get away from the roots but as

Soon as it builds up it can rot them out and you end up with this and that is exactly what has happened this is actually a raised bed so the drainage should be fine but the soil is a heavy clay and if you look on this side of the

Wall all the wheat poles have clogged up so the water simply can’t get away and it’s turned to Mush so to fix it I’m going to dig out behind this wall clear out those holes and put in a nice Sandy mix but up the top we’ve actually got a

Problem with weeds and it’s been a perfect storm for weed growth it’s been really wet and really windy which has brought all the weeds in and established them well then with a sudden drop of temperature the grass just can’t compete with it now you could bring this back you’d have to get on

Your hands and knees pick out all the weeds air rate it top dress it fertilize it that takes a lot of time and effort for me it’s much easier to just clean the slate and put new grass in now it’s a pretty good workout doing this it

Would take you most of the weekend so instead I bought an Army in come on guys let’s go the is Sh heart of M it happens all the time when it comes to getting the drainage right on this wall we need to make sure the water that’s held behind it can get out of the wheat poles these ones are all filled with dirt so I’m just going to clear

Them with a long drill bit and then once that’s done I’m going to put some aggregate behind the Wall to make sure our freshly cleared holes don’t fill up with soil again I’m making a little sausage of geohab which I’ll fill with blue metal and that’s just going to stop the silt from going down and filling those holes again making sure we’ve got good drainage for years to Come well with all the grass gone it’s time to get some good underlay here now it’s tempting just to put sand under here because we’re trying to improve the drainage but actually when it dries up again which inevitably it will that’s going to mean your grass is going to

Suffer you want something that holds on to a little bit of moisture because that also holds on to a little bit of nutrients so your mix wants to have a bit of Organics in it ideally you’d have about 30% Organics and the rest could be just a Sandy loan this is 60/40 it’s

Going to be perfect to put in under the grass and it’s going to do well when it rains and well when it dries out Again When it comes to laying your lawn you need to remember and this isn’t done enough and it should be and the reason why I’m wearing gloves is you need some good quality turf stter fertilizer now this stuff absolutely stinks but when the roots get into it it’s going to make

The world a difference in a couple of weeks we got what you want we got what you want we got what you want so come and get it we got you want we what you want we you want nobody else It whenever you’re laying a new lawn you want to go across the grade we’ve got a slight slope this way so I’m just laying across and I’m staggering the joins that way we’re not going to get a big dry patch down one side also try and get

Your bits of turf as close together as possible almost like you’re doing a zipper up cuz that means it’s not going to dry out now the pre PR grass was a buffalo and this is also Sur Walter Buffalo it’s well suited to this position because it is quite shady and

Now we fix the drainage should be Perfect your new grass is going to need watering in cuz it’s only living in a small amount of soil so you have to do it every day for at least a couple of weeks and as it puts its roots down into the soil you can lessen the water back

It off to maybe three times a week then a couple of times a week and then once a week give it a good soaking the key to the success of this makeover was all in the preparation the easy part was rolling the grass out so no matter rain or shine there’s not

Going to be any mud traes in through the house again I think I’ll just keep that on my knees look up and follow the rainbow now


  1. Do you have a how to create a pet friendly garden for dogs? I have a large backyard that I want to make more interesting for my dogs without introducing toxic plants 😅

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