@Roots and Refuge Farm

Roots and Refuge Farm: Stuck with a Snake (& a Slow Saturday Recharge) | VLOG

Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.


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The music in this video is by Daniel Smith




  1. Yep it’s the time of the snakes and bee swarms here in middle Georgia! I think everything is waking up 🫶✌️🤍

  2. My husband is looking to buy a truck in NC in the next couple of months and asked me to go with him as it’s a long way back to WY. He said, “If you go with me, we can drive thru SC and try to see Jess…” You had just announced your farmers market schedule and I admit, I’m very tempted despite hating road trips! Lol!

  3. My brother and sister and I picked 3 acres of asparagus every morning before school, never used a knife it snaps off at the proper height

  4. I am an introvert, also, so no need for further words. I do especially appreciate the stewardship you and Jeremiah show to the people, animals and land around you. I have always tried to teach and live that to my children and grandchildren. God Bless.

  5. Miah is my type of people. He came prepared! lol. Made me smile! I almost didn’t watch the video because of the title. My fear of snakes is insanely, stupidly out of control.

  6. I have asparagus to harvest here too in Northern California. Big storms and 1 12 inch of rain last night. Thunder, lightning wild storm! Not a snake fan here either 😳
    Thanks for everything you bring to us❤️

  7. I too love all the Toast boops on the camera!! Asparagus is looking great! We had a slow morning and I ended up looking at my phone for a long time, so I felt like i needed to be outdoors in the cool weather sowing cucumber and squash seeds so that’s what i did today! It felt so good to get fresh air and not have anything else to think about. So glad the farmers market went well, I think every other week will work very well for you all!

  8. My sister was biten by a water moccasin when she was 10 or 11…thankfully her friends parents took her straight to the hospital and she was fine.

  9. What a wonderful video. It had a narrative arc, it was well film and well edited. NO silly video drop in jokes, not obnoxious music, and no silly shenanigans. It is nice seeing a youtube homesteader doing some actual farm work, not idly sitting around shopping on the internet or having other people do the work. Loved it.

  10. Wow this was a really relaxing video! I love the sounds and the quiet, and your cats checking out the camera and to get to listen to your thoughts here and there tonight. Thank you for doing this!🤗

  11. We loved meeting you! Thank you for spending yourself, once again, for the good of others 💗💗💗

    So question on asparagus: if I have seeds, can I “plant” them in containers until they are crowns and then transplant the crowns to a permanent location….? Or do I need to put the seeds where I plan for them to live?

    And, when you cut the spears off, what happens with the rest of the stem that’s left in the ground? Does it just crust over and stop for the year or will it still like branch out and be able to go to seed?


  12. I do the same thing with solo cups and tomatoe plants. I have been watchong your videos for yrs. I just do it from seed. So i don't have to up pot. It works.

  13. You just thought it was pollen season….its now snake season especially in Texas! Be careful.

  14. We had a snake BEHIND OUR STOVE in the kitchen lol! Thankfully it was a rat snake and we got him out…

    We found a juvenile king snake 2 years ago in our yard…. He was SO beautiful!!!! We gently moved him much further from the house though lol

    We homeschool and when we first moved here (SC) from Idaho in 2018, I made it a big project to learn to identify native snakes and which ones we DONT pick up 🙂 it was invaluable

  15. Oh Jess, you've had quite the day!! On a positive note, Miah's reaction was priceless! A I could think of was the statement you've often made, which is, "I live in a place where snakes can kill you." Glad you and Bear are ok!

  16. We moved from Michigan to Mississippi. I was a typical Northern girl not even thinking about snakes while playing in my garden in flops. Then, out of no where wham… At that moment I didnt realize was snakebitten. It hurt so bad but I thought this massive red bug bit me because that was the only thing I seen near by. I hopped on a plane just a couple hours later headed to the carribean, unknowingly full of venom. My body started acting weird on the plane and I thought I was having some sort of a panic attack while flying. I still had no clue I was snakebitten. Once I got on the cruise ship and we were sailing the bite started ozzing puss and I could clearly see the fang holes. By then, my ankle was full of fever and the size of a softball. Lucky for me I had been taking oil of oregano for a month or so before I was bitten. Oil of Oregano just happens to act as a natural antivenom. I soaked the bite in the ocean for about 4 hours and it really helped to draw the venom and infection. I have tissue damage, and some nerve damage but Im blessed to still be here. Copperhead venom is the least potent of the pit viper family. If I would have been bitten my a cotton mouth or a rattlesnake, I might not be here to tell the story. We live on a large creek and our land was undeveloped until we moved here a year and a half ago. This place is full of coperheads and I am now forced to wear tall boots in the garden 😢. I felt your fear when you laid eyes on that snake.

  17. I like how you say "venomous" and "nonvenomous" instead of "good" and "bad" snake. That is what I have learned. They all make me hurt myself but learning how to identify one from another and about snakes has helped me. I would still not rather see any of them, but at least I can say, hey, that is a __ snake. Sometimes I still don't know. Knowledge is power! I love the way Miah picked with you and the mudding 😂. Love you Jess, yall are great. You are like a best friend I only get to text comments to! 😅😊 Aboit to ho look up some of your videos so I can start sowing some seeds. We had a freeze here in Louisiana a few days ago. I am going to have to watch frost. I want to container garden for now because so many cats and fireants. Not originally my kitties but I feed them say I may as well be able to spay and neuter without issues. Sorry for rambling!!!!!

  18. I'm so happy you got goats again, Jess! 🐐 Both for you, because it's so very clear how much it has meant to you. But, selfishly, for myself as well. I'm learning so so much from you! Thanks for sharing the less fun parts, too.

  19. See, I know to stay out of tall grass. The chaos toddlers think it’s a fun fort 😂 ugh, I gotta get an old goat or something that won’t run off to keep the grass down around here. I don’t have a fence is the trouble. I wish you could just put like a dog collar on one and attach it via rope to a pole every morning to mow a 10 foot circle.

  20. I up potted my tomatoes today too!!

    I’ve until this year I haven’t had more then small container garden, growing in pots mostly. My previous home was surrounded in beautiful trees, but zero sun. In 2021, I was planning to have a community plant sale and started 100s of tomatoes and peppers in my little house shelf grow shelter I made with Amazon lights and painters tarp. It was early February… then came the snowpocalypse, and here in central Texas we had rolling blackouts. My house was 19° inside! They all died and I got so discouraged. Well, since then I’ve purchased an acre of off grid property and me and my 15 year old son have been making it happen!! I remember your encouraging words about killing plants and just went for it this year!!! Yay tomatoes!!! 🍅

  21. My grandmother used bagblam for sores on her milking goats, probably pretty regular. People I know use it for different body sores. I do myself. I love it , I love the sounds of farm animals talking about their day 😂

  22. I laughed out loud at the scene where Miah drilled the hole in the solo cup, even showed my husband. I love the sense of humor you and he has. Love your channel. Always videos well worth the watch and time. Hugs Jess ❤

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